Chapter 5

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I woke up once I felt Nessie get up.

"Claire, hey. How are you doing?"

"Pissed that's all"

"Give him a break-"

"A break! That's all that I've given him since I've meet him" Claire was paused.

"What?" Nessie questioned.

"Did you know that he liked me?" Claire asked. Nessie didn't say anything.


"Yeah I knew"

"Who told you?"

"Well I kinda had a feeling but I managed to get it out of Quil"

"And you were just never gonna tell me"

"It wasn't my secret to tell Claire. You know if Quil hadn't asked me to keep it a secret from you, I would have told you the second I found out"

"And how long have you known?"

"About a year or two"

"Ughh. Nessie what I'm i gonna do? I mean I like him too but I can't be with someone who acts like that when we're not even together yet"

"Just give him a chance Claire"

"I don't I know he hasn't called to explain anything since it happened"

"Jake give him a couple of more shifts that's probably why. But please before you say anything let him talk first. Well I have to go, I'll talk to you soon"


Nessie came back into the room. Nessie got on the bed and sat on her knees.

"That was Claire"

"Oh yeah how is she doing"

"Well you know her. she's never really liked the whole werewolf thing from the start. That's the main reason why she's so upset about everything"

"Nessie about last night-" Nessie gently put her hand on my cheek to silent me. I looked into her dark chocolate browns eyes. She give me a light smile.

"I trust you. I thought about it and the same goes for me too. And your right" she said and put her other hand on my cheek and moved closer to me. She was inches away and she looked deep into to my eyes. She slowly moved her right hand down to my neck and then to back of my neck.

"You are not Sam... so stop trying so hard to be"

I took Nessie's hand from my cheek and I wrapped my fingers with hers. I looked at her as she looked back at me. For some reason I wanted to kiss her but that slowly faded away. Even when I had the most beautiful girl in the world just inches away from me and knowing that she likes me I couldn't get myself to feel what she wants me to feel. I couldn't get myself to kiss her. Nessie looked away from me and I looked away from her and our moment was gone. Nessie head shot back to the window.

"Seth" I heard her whispered.

"What?" I questioned.

Nessie appeared next to the window and she opened it and looked outside. I guess she didn't see anything so she turned to look at me then she started to walk towards the door with a confused look on her face. Right when Nessie got by her door way. I heard a howl. Any member of the pack can hear each other howl no matter where we were and we only did that to get everyone together but we have different howls even though it sounds the same to everyone else. This howl was different louder longer then I remembered the howl. A howl we haven't done in years. The emergency howl, the warning howl, the howl letting us know that vampires were near. I quickly jumped out the window phasing into my wolf form when I landed on the ground. All these voices came rushing into my mind but I toned all those voices out once I hear Nessie yell my name. I looked up to see her and she was looking out the window at me. I could see from where I was standing that Nessie eyes moved and my eyes followed. There I saw Seth coming out from the trees.

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