Cars are not for Jimin (Jikook)

Start from the beginning

"Guys we should get going soon!" Jin called out, running to his room to get his bag for the car ride.

"We better get you dressed! You pajama monster!" Jungkook said, walking into the kitchen. Jimin laughed and attempted to tackle Jungkook who caught him. "C'mon!"

The pair trotted over to Jimin and Hobi's room to get him dressed and ready, although he would be changed later for filming. Jungkook pulled out a pair of pants and cute sweater, but Jimin had other plans. The little tore of all his clothes and pulled on his totoro onesie. The damn onesie was going to be the death of all of them one day. Anytime Jimins eyes laid on the thing he would strip completely naked and change into no matter where he was.

You can image the fear of them spotting it outside their apartment.

Jungkook turned around to see a pile of pajamas on the floor and a tiny totoro Jimin bouncing on his bed. Jungkook sighed with smile. He thought for a moment.

"Jimin, I'll let you keep that one if you put some underwear on. If you refuse you can't wear it." Jungkook said, holding up a clean pair of blue underwear.

"No! I wanna go comando!" He shouted.

"Jimin-ah, please put some underwear on." Jungkook said, voice going high pitched.

"No! I go comando like TaeTae!" He cheered.

"I swear to god, if he keeps telling him these things." Jungkook muttered under his breath.

"Underwear problems again?" Hoseok asked as he walked through the door holding a cup of coffee.

"Yes." Jungkook answered. "I already told him he can't wear the totoro unless he puts some underwear on." Jungkook explained.

"No undies!" Jimin laughed, jumping from his bed to Hoseok's.

"Jiminie, you heard what your Appa said. You can't wear the totoro unless you've got your underwear on." Hoseok said nonchalantly, standing in the door frame. There was an attempt with reinforcing the rule, but Jimin seemed to block it all out.

Luckily, Hoseok knew little Jimins weakness. Being like his hyungs. If someone was going to wear a hat, so would Jimin. If someone decided to go and read, Jimin would follow. He was quite a little shadow around the house, copying what others did to try and be like them. They were his hyungs after all.

"Me, Jungkookie, and Tae all have our underwear on." Hoseok fake boasted, hoping that Jimin would decide to copy. His bouncing stopped and he bit his lip, thinking.

"I guess...I'll put em on..." Jimin said slowly, climbing off from the bed and approaching Jungkook.

"Thank you, Jiminie. Very good." Jungkook smiled.

After getting Jimin completely situated in his outfit, the boys piled into the three row van. Jimin, Jungkook, And Yoongi in the front row. Namjoon, and Taehyung in the middle row. And Jin and Hobi in the back, basically in another country to Jimin. The little sat comfortably, drinking orange juice from his green sippy cup.

The group, along with their manager who was driving, started their journey onto the highway. To pass the time most of the boys listened to music with headphones, slept, or interacted with Jimin. Jungkook didn't dare to put his headphones on, keeping his attention solely on Jimin who usually ended up with a stomach ache after being in the car too long. Thankfully, the little seemed happy, kicking his feet while he looked out the windows at the bright blue sky. Jungkook snuck his phone out and took a picture, admiring his baby.

"Appa! Look it!" Jimin said, pointing out the window as they sped past a deer grazing in the woods. "A deer!"

"You saw a deer?! Really?!" Jungkook asked enthusiastically, smiling at Jimin.

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