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Zoe's POV:

We all sit on rows of bleachers in the gym. I'm not quite sure why we're all here, but we are nonetheless. Well, the teachers all ushered us in here, probably for some announcement or something. I don't really know. As long as they don't say stupid stuff, I don't care either.

I'm talking to a few of my friends, Evan and Connor aren't here. Probably ditching school to make out in the orchard. Anyways, I'm not sure where Alana is, but Jared is with me. And my friends Connor McKinley, Arnold Cunningham, Cordelia, and Nabalungi. Oh, and Connor's friend Kevin Price.

Is it confusing and kind of weird having a friend whose name is the exact same as my brother's?

Yes. Yes it is.

But do I care?

Not particularly. McKinley is a nice guy, funny too. Plus he does theatre with Jeremy and I. Mostly I just call him by his last name. It avoids confusion, but I'm pretty sure he kind of hates it. He hasn't said anything about it though, so he must not care that much. 

"Does anyone know what's for lunch today?" Jared asks, straightening his glasses.

We all turn to look at Cordelia. "Me?" She asks, "For the last time! I. Do. Not. Know. What. The. Hell. Is. For. LUNCH! I bring my lunch! I make my own lunch! And it's delicious! And no, Arnold, you can't have any."

"Awww," Arnold sighs. "Wait. Keviiiiiin! My best friend! Do you have any good food?"

Kevin is about to talk when Connor cuts in, "I have some fruit snacks that I might, might, be willing to share. Maybe."

Arnold grins and starts babbling with Jared about Star Wars and I turn to Nabalungi and Cordelia. "Do either of you know why we're in here?" I ask.

"Uh..." Naba trails off. 

"Maybe they wanted to talk to us about Justin Laboy and his girlfriend, whoever it is this time, not making out violently in the hallways," Delia suggests.

"They've already turned to the janitor's closets," Naba mumbles. I don't know why she knows this. I don't think I want to.

"Oh! Maybe they want to tell us not to hide bathbombs around the school," I say, glancing over to Jared, who is now having and in-depth argument about Lord of the Rings with Arnold. 

"Or they want to tell us that we shouldn't steal costumes from the musicals," Cordelia laughs and we all turn to look at McKinley. He has a bright pink feather boa that he took after some show. He claims that he's going to give it back at some point, but we all know better. It's pretty intense though. It's just so... McKinley.

That's the other difference between my brother and Connor. McKinely is so insanely happy 24/7, while Connor is... Well, he's the same old Connor Murphy. What more can I say? McKinely loves to preform. Sometimes I feel like his whole life is just some big performance to him. I mean, if he's having fun, then that's great. It's just that it seems like he's trying to hard to be happy all the time. It's almost like he's turning off all of his other emotions or something. 

Suddenly, Jeremy walks over, slinging his backpack over his shoulder. The signature 'BOYF' written in bold letters looks faded and a little wet, as if he had tried to wipe it off. He's frowning and fidgeting straps of his backpack as he walks, eye locked on us. 

"Uh, Hey, Jer!" McKinely exclaims cheerfully. Then his face falls, "Are you okay?"

"Do I look okay?" Jeremy asks quietly. If there's one thing that I've learned about Jeremy Heere, it is that this isn't good. He has this quiet sort of anger sometimes, and it's pretty obvious that this is exactly what is happening. He speaks with a subtle sort of fire to his words, and I'm pretty sure that he could blow up any second. 

Well, maybe not in front of everyone, but he just might once we leave. 

"You can sit here if you want," I tell him. Naba and Kevin scoot over a little bit and he slides onto the bleachers. "Where's Michael?" I ask.

He shrinks down a bit, attempting to pull his sweater over his head a little bit. "I don't wanna talk about it."

I exchange glances with Connor, who looks just as concerned as I feel. "Hey! Jeremy!" Arnold cuts in a few second later, "Do you know what's for lunch?"

Jeremy sighs. "No! Why the hell do you want to know?"

Arnold looks stunned and Naba turns to comfort him as I look back to Jer. "What was that all about?" I snap.

"I-" he begins

"And I expect a full answer!" I add.

His eyes look like they're watering and he takes a deep, shaky breath before beginning to talk. "I-I... Mich-ael... We, uh, he..." his voice breaks a little bit and he pauses before beginning to speak again. "Michael and I decided to-"

Suddenly, the closed gym doors burst open loudly, cutting Jeremy off. All eyes turn to a figure striding confidently into the room. 

He looks practically perfect.

He was tall, with neat, dark hair. He wore a mint green button up shirt and long, black pants. He filled the room with a sort of buzz, everyone noting who exactly he was. He seemed almost cocky, as if he himself knew that he looked perfect and that everyone else knew it too.

And he looked almost... familiar.

Cordelia gasps softly. "Whizzer Brown?" she asks to herself.

Whizzer was... practically famous. At least at school. Everyone had at least heard of him. He was good looking, funny, smart... he was definitely something.

A shorter guy walked up behind Whizzer and leaned on the doorway. He had a mess of light brown hair and wore an ugly colored, checkered, button up. His fashion sense was basically opposite of Whizzer's.

I looked back to Whizzer before I start to turn back around, realizing something. And then  Whizzer began to speak. All eyes looked to him as he spoke four words. "Where is Kevin Price?"

I glance back to Kevin, who has gone pale. And then I realize what exactly is going on. Kevin looks scarily similar to Whizzer. Sure, he has a slightly different nose and is probably a little taller, but he has the same hair color and their eyes are practically the same. Kevin is definitely related to Whizzer.

"Kev?" McKinley whispers.

Whizzer's eyes find Kevin and he grins. "Hey there, little brother."

(A/N AAAAAAAAAAA FAM IM BACK! Hey! Get hyped cuz we're goin in for a sequel! I have a lot planned and as you can see, some BoM and Falsettos! A lot's probably gonna happen so it might get hectic, but stay with me. I'm super excited to write this, so I'll probably (hopefully) get a lot out really quickly! Stay swaggy y'all!)

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