A Cristmas Tale

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Hello lovely readers~
I know what your thinking another chapter!? Within 2 days!? Yes i did -_- it took forever to write chapter 8!! And i had to finish chapter 9 before Christmas T~T [date 12/19/2018]
Anyway i'll probably be finishing everything for this story in about a few months... but most likely i'll probably be stalling since I need a break from typeing so much 😓 so please don't expect me to finish the other chapter as quickly as I have this one
Anyway please read onward!

~{A/N End}~

Chapter 9

It was a lovely day of christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring nor Ember astir as the morning slowly came around. The home was covered in decorations of many generations of gathering. The tree stood tall in the gathering hall. While the holly lined the walls, and Mistletoe tyed where you can see for hugs of endless joy. Jak awoke slowly as the sun entered his window casting a soft haze off the snow covered ground. He sat up and noticed his neatly placed christmas stocking hung over his door knob. He smiled seeing it filled with small gifts and many candies of all sorts. He slipped out of his bed almost forgetting the book as it slipped to the floor, he quickly caught it before the cover hit the floor. He sighs and holds the book close "that was risky i'll need to be more careful from now on..." He sets the book on top of his bed covers safely keeping it away from the edge of the bed. He made his way to the stocking and removed it from the door knob. He took it with him as he made his way out and down the stairs to the living room where he noticed his mother lightly sipping hot cocoa while reading her book. "Ah Jak good morning to you" she smiled and set her glass down and helped Jak to take everything out of his stocking."Thanks mom!" Jak smiled at his mother's helpful nature. Jak though being 11 he still believed in Santa and the rest of the people who are said to children to be real. Jak didn't not believe in less due to learning of his past origin of learning. He opened each of the small gifts each holding either candy, a small booklet, or a small poster for near his window or on his door. He mother being impatient handed Jak one of the presents under the tree. "Here Jak this is from your father and me" she replied handing a long wrapped gift to him. Jak took it lightly and carefully unwrapped it revealing a poster of mystic creature that Jak could only guess as a fae or an Ember. "Thank you mom" Jak smiled looking at the poster again and again enjoying the design and representation of the Embers it gives. He hugged his mother gratefully just as his dad still wearing his p.j came down the stairs and walked into the kitne to make himself some coffee. "Morning dad!" Jak called out to him as he walked into the kitchen."Morning champ you sleep well?" His dad called back from the kitchen while making himself some coffee. "Hey dad can you make me some hot cocoa please?" Jak called out again "and I slept fine thanks for asking!" Jak's dad smiled in the kitchen while getting out a hot cocoa glass and making a batch of hot cocoa for jak "good to hear champ I'm coming with your hot cocoa!" he called back. He paused noticing snow beginning to descend again outside the kitchen window only then did he notice the snowman Jak had crafted outside in the yard a few days back. He smiled for a long moment before he sets his glass down and gave Jak his cocoa "thanks dad" Jak said happily. "No problem champ" he replied before walking over to the stairs and went straight for the attic door. He looked to see if anyone was looking before he slowly turned the knob. A light glow shined around the base of the knob as it clicked unlocking. He opened the door and went upstairs into the attic. He looked around the old attic before walking over to a box and briskly opened it before taking out a strange charm and holding it out to the light seeping through the attic. It glowed before changing into a bookmark with design of a sword with a tassel at the end of it. At the top of the bookmark read "A brave heart always fears the deepest dark, while a calm and patient heart while overcome any challenge" He smiled at the bookmark before walking back down the sitars and relocked the door of the attic once again. He returned to the living room holding the bookmark behind him before he walked over to the tree and slipped the tassel onto the the trees branches. Jak watched his father curious to what he was doing but didn't question as his dad picked up a gift and walked back over to him and his mother., Jak, his mom, and his dad spent 3 hours of the morning enjoying talk, and desprese of gifts. Joy arose over the house as Jak found a happy day to finally find it's way to his changed life. He stood on the porch later that afternoon watching the snow fall down on the snowy covered grown that has dispach on the yard. Jak dwelled on watching his snowman for a time thinking it had moved but knew it had not. He liked the thought of things in his life slowly changing but he felt that in time he will grow out of this strangeness but he dared not dwell on it at the time. His parents soon joined him onto the porch to watch the snow fall. Jak loved his parents dearly and didn't want them to become saddened if he were to dwell on such things for too long, thus he decided to only put the book and pin asid as nothing but a fairytale till time has progressed. The night at dinner time he talked about how much he enjoyed the stories his parents tell him and how he was rather intrigued by how their family became intertwined with the Embers though jak was fascinated that there were other lives outside his planet he never dreamed it was real nor did he expect it to have great outcomes to him and his family line. Dinner soon finished and jak assisted with washing and putting everything away. He went back to the living room to look at the tree for a time. He wasn't sure but he felt there was something different about it that wasn't there before. When he looked closer he noticed a bookmark looking thing that he has never seen in his life. He took his time removing it from the tree and read it allowed to himself. "A brave heart always fears the deepest dark, while a calm and patient heart while overcome any challenge" He loved the wording and it gave the bookmark a reasoning to be among the house. He took the bookmark and walked up the stairs to his room bypassing the attic door and straight to his room. Taking the book off his bed he flipped to the page he had left a few nights back. He lightly flipped the tassel out of the book placing the bookmark carefully into it before he carefully closed it. He smiled seeing how the bookmark was perfect for it. He set the bookback into its case and set it onto his desk once again. He went back downstairs and had a few more small bits of conversations with his family. They enjoyed hot cocoa, melting marshmallows at the fireplace, watching the snow and just spending family time till the night past and it was time to rest.

~{Somewhere near the Galactic Galaxy of Red Fire}~

As Jak's family slept that night The Embers star Oasis was making its way back to the Earthen solar system. On a limb the king had his guards find all ways to turn homestar back around so it head back the way it had come but the time he had learn before they can make it the where Earth was it would be 5 years making the journey very long but The Queen was still in a state of sadness though her son was still out there. "Worry not your highness I'm sore your son is safe" one of the queens closest advisers and long time friend said to her "I fear that is not the case my friend the princess is sure from her line of future that something has become of my son while his presence is known in his solar system I am afraid" the queens voice was soft and very sad as she spoke. Her friend though having known the queen for many years only gave a slight displeased look toward the horizon of homestar "fear not you highness be not afraid" Scorn and slight hate was in the queens adviser tone but as night came and day passed the evil within the castle was slowly making itself known to all Embers.

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