A Prince Journey

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Chapter 6

Jak was utterly stunned but he didn't dare tear his eyes away the words were now rewritten so he could read them. He returned the picture into the book and quickly flipped a few more pages of the book everywhere that the book had put the old name of the prince was now his name written in different writings. Jak stopped at a page titled The Prince's Journey. He stopped and began to read it outloud to himself "The prince loved to travel through the milky way but when his travels met with the earthen solar system each year he would take time and venture to the planet called Earth." Jak smiled a bit while he continuing to read "Earth was a inhabited planet of many living things he had the honor of meeting one of the more intelligent creatures known as humans. He made a great friend with two of these humans and found they had child together which they name the child after the prince himself. The prince was rather happy about being honored in such a way that he gifted the young baby with a small portion of his own aura." Jak paused rather stunned by this, but he continued to read his interest peaked to the point where he couldn't help but read on. "Though the source of Earth's light was from the star in the center of the Earthen solar system and only glows so bright when the prince himself is present even this small bit of aura will not let the star glow but rather the prince was entrusting this child to one day to return the favor and help him when he is in dire need of assistance." The page ended there and Jak dared not to turn the page and find out what happened next. He closed the book slowly and returned it to it's casing. Jak stood and looked out at the now setting sun not realizing that time had gone by so much while he read. Jak smiled out at the sunset before he reach up his hand and look up at the slowly appearing stars above. "What is really out there? Are there really such things as the Embers that live on a shooting star called Oasis?
{refer to chapter 3}
If there really is I hope one day I can meet them in person and not have to wonder for the rest of my life..." Jak sighed as he returned to the tent he had made and laid down to watch the stars come out. While he watch the stars that night he wondered what it would be like to encounter any one of the embers though now he was sure that the prince had died right there in his hands not long ago when the shooting star had over passed the cliff. A star flicked in his view as he watched it moved and a small tail bean to form in doing so. "Ah a shooting star" Jak said allowed and watch as it streaked across the night sky with ease. He had a strange feeling though that he could not understand but for some reason he felt like he was suppose to be there and not here on earth on this clifftop watching it go by. Jak stood to his feet and walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down at his home where his mother most likely was reading in the family library by now. He looked back at the star and then back at his home. A thought slowly crept into his mind "if the prince is here on Earthern soil then how will he get home too?" jak looked back at the star as it slowly crept across the sky. "For now I should sleep and go home in the morning i'm sure my parents are worried about me by now.. Plus i am getting low on food that I brought." jak returned to his tent and laid down watching the star till he fell into a strange dream.
~{in dream}~
"YOUR MAJESTY RUN!" someone called out toward someone else jak stared in what he assumed was a 3rd person omniscient perspective. A guard like figure was running toward someone which jak guessed was the Ember prince. The prince turned just as another person lunged at him stabbing his chest in an instant. He seemed to be shocked as he shook the attacker off and taking out his own sword fighting the attacker in his now weakened state. Jak watched in horror as he looked behind the prince and noticed starry like dust flowing away and out toward space. Jak tried to holler out as the prince began backing away as the attacker pushed him back, the guard jak noticed was being held back by two other people that he could not make out. Jak could do nothing but watch as the prince was shoved into the starry dust and began to flow away into space. The guard was then killed and thrown out into the dust before turning into stardust himself. Jak looked back at the other people catching each of their faces he seemed to get angrier the longer he watched them disappear. Jak returned his attention to the prince once again. The prince did not turn to dust as his guard had when entering trail that jak guessed belong to Oasis. The prince laid in the dust for a long time. Jak watched amazed as the prince closed his eyes as a slow dim formed around his body. Jak watched as the prince fell down to, as he noted, Earth. Jak then noticed himself as the prince fell down toward the great cliff. Jak could only watch realizing he was watching The prince memories. "Fascinating isn't it..." Jak quickly turned around as he realized the prince was present "You belong to the long line of my old friends many years ago... now i'm asking for a favor of you Jak of Earth..." Jak straightened his shoulders waiting for the favor to be asked of him. "I can't return to my family as I am sure they are worried about me as of now... I am afraid that those people will try and take the throne from them... I ask of you to take my place on Oasis and find the one that betrayed me and take revenge so I can rest in peace, save my family from his evil plan...." Jak thought for a long time before facing the prince and nodded. "When the star returns I promise you Prince Jak that I will find a way to prevent anything from happening to your family as long as I live."

To Be Continued~

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