Shooting Star

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Chapter 4

Jak woke a few hours later and with a loud yawn stretched and left his tent that he set up. He felt and achy sore due to climbing the side of a cliff. Jak looked around it was way to dark despite the stars shining amazingly above him. He smiled despite himself at the sight of all the tiny specks of lights shining out of the darkness of space. Jak started to think of his climb up about how he almost took his own life that fateful morning.  
Jak began to rethink his morning while sitting on the top of the cliff. He was sitting in his room that very morning looking out his window. His parents had already gone off to work and he was yet again left to himself. He sighed and wondered off downstairs to get a late morning snack. He looked out the window to the great cliff facing that his town resided under. “soon..” he said to himself before wandering into the livingroom to boredly stare at nothing. At that point he began to think about his family for once. then Jak stood up and walked back into the kitchen and began to wonder about his parents. The phone rang resounding throughout the quiet house. Jak went over and picked up the phone.
“jak it's mom i know I left in a fit this morning I apologize for it… listen i want you to know that mom loves you greatly ok? And just so you know it is alright if you head up the cliff today school is ending soon and you are doing great in your own school work” jak smiled and responded “thanks mom hey can you tell dad that i love him too?” his mom laughed and responded “sure thing Jak remember to pack everything you need” after their small talk they both hung up. Jak looked to the cliff out the kitchen window. He smiled before Jak moved to the kitchen and begame to pack everything he needed for his trip up the cliff.
Jak smiled before returning to his new surroundings of the top of the cliff and with a smile said “all is well.” Jak soon noticed the book he was reading before. He picked up the book and closed it, returning it to its case. He looked up briefly before standing and going to look around. He felt his shoulder muscle cramp up as he stood but ignored it. The thrill of a new surrounding was all he thought of. He looked around in wonder of this new and unseen territory. He noticed the land was starting to brighten up more. Jak looked to the east but noticed the sun wasn't rising. The glow was a tinted blue that gave the feel of a strange atmosphere. He found himself looking heavenward where he seen the brightest comet he ever did set his eyes on. He took it upon himself to reach up with his hand though he knew it wasn't reachable from the ground. Jak noticed something as the tail of the comet flickered, then a burst of light sent stardust everywhere in the night sky. Shockingly he noticed a dim light falling toward him. As it got closer he held his hands out to catch whatever it was. He thought  it was a fragment of the star but was extremely shocked to find a dimly lit orb fall into his hands. The light flickered before fading revealing a strange creature in its place. He gasped as the creature looked like the prince from the picture in the book. The prince’s form started to fade before turning into many lights which flowed into Jak. He was unsure what was happening but stood still as whatever was happening happened. He didn't move till he was certain that it was over. He didn't know it but the pupils of his eyes had turn to slits while the dark brown color of his eyes turned a bluish green. Jak walked back to the camp he set up so he could watch the star and recap on what had happened. He ended up thinking of his climb up here. Jak though a skilled climber had nearly slipped 3 times. He had grasped a loose ledge unknown to him if he didn't know how to make a quick split second grab to the ledge below the loose ledge he would not have made it to the top that afternoon. Jak laughed at himself, he laughed at how he could have died. Jak was happy he didn't have to disappoint his parents with being dead. As Jak drew his attention to the star again he noted it's tail had started to flicker as if a war was happening that very moment. He thought about it and decided he would not be surprised due to now knowing The Embers were real. He watched a bit more as he slowly drifted off to sleep surprising himself at how tired he had grown after his encounter with the Prince of The Ember Kingdom. With that thought in his mind he fell asleep with a smile on his face knowing his life seemingly got more interesting than before.

To be continued~

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