The Attic

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Chapter 2
(5 years earlier)

Gloomy air hung in the balance of the dark mist of dust and ash. The atmosphere fits that of an old attic of the lambings home. Jak was an only child of the lambings, at the age of 11 and a homeschooled 8th grader. His mother was a teacher in all fields so it was not hard for him to be homeschooled. His father was the head of Lambing Corporation of new engineer, other than being busy throughout the day he is an experienced cook and an amazing parent.
Jak though he was an only child and his parents were gone during normal school times while he was homeschooled during the summer vacation that other kids get. Jak walked to his room that day passing the attic door that was normally locked. He had a routine where he tried to open the door every time he passed it to go to his own room.  He had never been to the attic nor why he wanted to go into it, but for some strange reason he was drawn to the door at all hours of the day and sometimes at night. He placed his hand on the doorknob and was about to turn the handle when it creaked loudly and slowly opened. He was shocked at how it was unlocked when most of the time it was locked and firmly shut whenever his parents went into it. He slowly made his way inside taking slow cautious step as the stairs creaked underneath his feet. He continued up till he finally reached the top and looked around. There were shelves full of dust and stacked high with books. Jak drew his attention away from the dusty old books, but noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He drew closer to one side of the attic and found an oddly shaped chest just as dusty as the shelves. Lightly opening it revealed a strange case with a small latch on the side of it. He slowly unlatch the case and lightly started to take out what was inside. It was a book; marvel pearls lined the binding, red gems that seem to sparkle in the dim light of the attic, not a single speckle of dust tainted it's covering, he noted the strangeness of the design before slowly slipping it back into the case. Latching it he quickly made his way,  with his newfound treasure, to the attic stairs and down them. Upon reaching the base of them he quickly made sure the door was locked and firmly closed it behind him and went down the hall to his room. Setting the book on his desk he looked around his room with a smile. Posters of stars, mythic dragons, and many many constellations roamed the walls of his 16” by 16” bedroom. Turning back around he opened the window to let the afternoon breeze blow softly inside sending dust from the case everywhere. He coughed as he tried to clear the light mist of dusty air out of his face. Getting up he retrieved a damp cloth where he lightly wiped the casing down provided he was gentle to not remove the colors. He stared amazed as the now dust free casing revealed an array of colors that he never seen put to anything before. He Lived at the base of a cliff in a rather stable town while his parents traveled to the nearby city for work every day. Jak sighs as he takes a moment to happily breaths in easing to a slouched in his cushioned chair. He smiles contentedly with his new treasure from the attic though he had no intention of reading the book but he was happy either way. Glancing at the book casing he quickly unlatch it and slowly slid the book out from inside it. He examined the cover of the book finding no title on it or the casing it was safely residing in. Taking a moment to admire the beautiful cover before he slowly and carefully opened it. The first words he read was…

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