Missing Prince

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~{On the star of the Ember kingdom}~
The King and Queen of The Embers were in a state of panic as they proceeded to search their kingdom for their lost son their only son. The princess had decided to stay at their castle locking herself in her chambers
She was saddened by the thought that her brother was missing. Though the company of her fairy friend was of no comfort to her she tried to pretend like she had not seen the vision she had seen minutes before she entered her chamber that day. She wept silently at her balcony overlooking the mystic palace garden.
~{few days later}~
Though the King and Queen were devastated by the loss of their son they knew they had to raise their now only heir. The princess was saddened everyday but she had a feeling that something was not right something was different on the trail that their home planet traveled along. Looking out toward the outermost sky stars twinkled as her home went on it's way. She noticed one star shining brighter than the rest. She stood suddenly "it's impossible... brothers light still glows" she said. Her parents looked at her "what are you saying my dear?" Her mother spoke softly. "He is still alive there in the earthen solar system" she pointed toward the bright glowing star. The King and Queen looked up and with a shocked expression stood before giving orders to the fae near them "BEGIN TRACING THE NEXT PATH TOWARD THE EARTHEN SYSTEM!!" The king yelled at several guards as they quickly flew off to other parts of the castle. "Find the next time home star travels back to that district" The Queen spoke to her assistant who then quickly flew off. The princess watched the commotion lightly before looking back up to the star.
~{ back on earth}~
Jak sat up as the sun peeked over the horizon he loved to watch the sunrise. He has been on top of the great cliff for the last 4 days talking to his parents over the phone was a plus but her hardly touched his phone due to enjoying exploring the cliffs top. Jak couldn't deny that he felt different after that contact with what he assumed was the Prince of The Ember kingdom, but he couldn't be for sure if his suspicion was correct. Jak opened the book and read the next few lines out loud to himself. "The prince of The Embers was a great warrior and a kind hearted Ember. He had found the Earthen solar system while on his travels at a young age. Leading the great homestar through space is when he had found the Earthen solar system. He got to name it since he found life traveling along the facing of the 3rd planet from the system's star. When He ventured near the star he had the honor of adding his aura into its core." Jak paused at this but continued to read on "Whenever the prince was in the Earthen solar system the star would glow so brightly that anywhere in the milky way people on home star could see the bright glow far more than the millions of other stars." Jak pondered on this before putting the book away. He felt a slight pull in his chest as a flashback appeared in his minds vision.
~{ flash back}~
The large sun of the Earthen solar system glowed as the prince lightly hovering in front of it. He reached his hand out as a solar flare flushed by his form. He smiled as his form glowed brightly before cutting off and forming into an orb hovering above his outstretched hand. Pulling his hand back the solar flares end wrapped around the orb and pulled it toward the sun's surface. Upon impact the prince flinch and clutched his chest. The orb glowed brightly before seeping into the sun. The suns form glowed brighter before turning a shade of pink and then returning to its normal color. The prince sighed feeling his chest release as the star glowed brighter in his presence.
~{end flashback}~
Jak nearly fell over knowing these were not his own memories but for some reason he felt they were his. Jak turned to the book again and flipped to the picture taking it out carefully and turning it to the back and reading the text again.
Father King Emerald Vale, Mother Queen Sapphire Vale, Daughter Princess Lucy Vale. Jak stared at the prince name with shock at the word he couldn’t read changed right before his eyes.

Son Prince Jak Vale.

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