The Story

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Chapter 3
Jak stared amazed at the the words as if contemplating on whether he should close it or continue to read it. He slowly turned to the next page and read aloud the words that trailed along it. "A grand feast was being served as the lost heir had finally arrived home on the wandering star called Oasis it is not the first time for the star traveled far every day and night leading a starry dust tail in its wake as it was the home star of The Embers." "A strange name for creatures that resembled that of a fae and a fairy though they contained many magical powers and many forms that they chose to take on in their travels to the many universes." Jak continued to read on starting to enjoy the book more and more as he turned to each page with interest. Jak had know idea why this book was kept locked away in a case that was inside an old chest, and locked away in the dusty attic never to be read by anyone. Jak didn't know it that what he was reading was exactly what his parents wanted to keep him from finding out about. Jak paused for a moment on a picture that was nestled in the book. It held that of what looked to be a boy, a girl and two adult looking figures. The adults held the appearance of fairies but more fae like. They had clearish wings that stood firmly still to reveal that the male adult had the appearance of a large moth and the female adult had that of a massive butterfly but with dulled out wings like that of the male adults wings. The two younger ones held that of smaller wings that showed an array of dull effect but held the shape of both moth and butterfly wings. Jak drew his attention to the boy with a black coat, he tilted his head as if he recognize him from somewhere. Jak shrugged and guessed he had a dream about it once before. He slipped the picture back into the book but as the light caught the back of it he noticed words were written on the back. Jak quickly flipped the picture to the back, and read aloud the words that were written not of this world. " Son Prince איך Vale, Daughter Princess Lucy Vale, Mother Queen Sapphire Vale, Father King Emerald Vale." He could not clearly read the words but what followed after them was what shocked him the most. He read them slowly they were dates written in his language. The first date read "Prince 2/02/098" the next read "princess 1/09/110" the third one read "Queen 8/06/027" the final one read "King 5/10/023." He was sure that this was what he had to find out. Taking up his things he quickly packed the book back into it's casing and latched it before packing things into a bag,along with hacking gear, food, water, climbing gear, before he carefully packed the cased book into the bag. With a wide smile, he confidently went downstairs and out the backdoor that faced the cliffside. Taking his bag he hung it onto his shoulders and started his long hike toward the very base of the cliff facing.
~{*- 20 minutes later -*}~
Jak reached the cliff base with no issue at all he knew there was an old legend about how there was a way to catch a flying star from the top of the cliffs peak. Jak was a clever boy and had no ill intentions as he strapped his climbing gear on and prepared for the long climb up. He took his time knowing his parents would not be home for several hours today. He took hold of a rock and started the climb each step he had to be sure was stable before he reached for another ledge. "Reach,step,stable, reach, step, stable" he spoke to himself rehearsing his climbing lessons to himself. Jak had a thing about climbing cliff sides that he couldn't explain, but it helped him when he was learning how to climb rocky surfaces that are at a semi vertical angle. He looked behind him toward his town he didn't dare look down for fear that he would have those strange images resurface once again. Jak shook his head greatly and looked back up toward where he was going to. "I have to reach the peak" he said to himself dispelling the fear he was feeling. As he climbed he continued to chant the words from his climbing lesson. As he climbed he found his way up to the top and finally decided to set up camp and wait on the daytime to dispatch. He found himself rereading the first page of the book before he unconsciously fell asleep right then and there.

To be continued~

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