Ember appearance

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Chapter 1

In a great house by a great cliff lived a small family that had lived for generations within the old home. A boy by the name of Jak sat on his family’s porch reading a book of mystical beings, or more commonly known as The Embers from the Star of Oasis. Jak was a clever boy though he never really believed in the myth of them being real despite what had happened 5 years before. He still enjoyed the fact that the book was very emotional and gave off a very intriguing appeal to him. “Jak time to come in!” Jaks mother called from inside the house. He slipped the book back into its case before heading inside. “What were you doing Jak?” his mother asked as he entered the large living room, “I was reading about The Embers again” Jak replied. His mother gave a warm smile while standing from her chair and lightly taking the book from Jak and placing it back on the bookshelf. Jak being a curious boy always loved to read anything to the point where he would stay the night in a bookstore just to read the books. Jak watched as his mother went out of the room before he sneakily took the book out of the casing, before quickly escaping up the stairs to his room. He paused at the attic door like he always does he tries to open it, the door refuses to budge like normally. He then sighed and walked down the hallway to his own door opening it he went inside and sat at his desk and looked out his window. Now Jak at the age of 16 he never really liked having to spend all day staring at nothing but the sky. The sun creeped sheepishly across the blue abyss of the day as Jak read aloud the story once again. “The Embers are small but bright creatures that can only be found in the stars, but if you wish enough, if you believe enough, if you try enough you can see them. Some say that they fly around the cosmos as small bright lights only to stop now and then when finding new places to venture to one such place is known as the galactic system of maldor” This was his favorite story he read it every day and night aloud or in his head. Day slowly turned to night as jak sat and read to himself soon it was time to sleep he set the book on his bed, and pulled his covers over himself. Little did Jak know someone or something was listening closely to him when he had started to read out loud. Night crept along as jak slept soundly, but the peace was momentarily interrupted. Small lights flicked through his window and filed in and around Jaks’ bed. “ is he the one we’re looking for?” a small sweet voice asked the others looking around the room laid many stars and galactic beings. “He has to be if the ancient book is by his side” Jak shifted in his sleep slightly; unaware of his starlike visitors. “Let us take him to our home before we make any wrong or right decision” a deeper voice said as the larger light moved closer to Jak “but what if it is not the right choice to bring him there?” a soft and gentle voice said as a slightly smaller light moved toward the larger one. “We have only to hope we are doing the right thing” the deeper voice said again before he and the others circled around Jak. “let us be gone now” the voice said as their lights grew brighter and brighter before it filled the whole room. “Father if we make this choice i pray that nothing bad to happen to our home..” the sweetish voice said with slight worry in her voice “fear not my daughter there is nothing to worry about there is no danger present any longer” with that jak, the book and the lights disappeared.

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