"You don't remember much of everything? Hanabi asked. She was surprised.

Himawari could only nod." I only remember that there was this huge explosion and earthquake that hit the village in a blinked of an eye." She added. She was trying to remember every detail that she could recall, and it slowly came back to her.

The lavender haired Uzumaki girl further explained that she remembered her mom helping her dad to address the sudden situation. She also recalled that she was with the Uchiha girl herself and they were helping and treating injured and wounded civilians along with the latter's mother. After that, the village was then suddenly attacked or invaded by a group of unknown enemies. The Uzumaki girl and the older Uchiha was forced to defend themselves from the mysterious those enemies and after that everything just went black for the girl.

Hanabi was shocked and felt saddened on what the latter had went true. She couldn't believe this was indeed the fate of the village in the future. The question is How would they prepare for this forth coming future. There was also a thing that came into her mind, what has become of herself and Neji. When she asked that question, she was then received by two different response from the girl.

Himawari gave her young aunt a smile. She told her about her future that she will someday become a well-respected Shinobi and she will have a team of her own to go on missions.

Hanabi was surprised about that but she was pleased to hear about it. She also learned that her relationship with her big sister could be considered fixed in the future. She also learned that her strict father had transformed into a more soft and loveable grandpa and according to her future niece, would always cuddle the siblings whenever they visit the compound.

As the conversation continued, Himawari felt this was coming towards a topic about her Uncle Neji. Her prediction then came true as her young aunt asked on what had become of the brown haired Hyuuga.

When Hanabi asked the question, she was expecting a happy ending for her big cousin. But what comes out was just pure silence from the girl.

"Hima, is everything alright?" Hanabi asked. There was concerned building up inside of her. She felt her heart beat a little much faster.

"What happens to Neji in the future?" Hanabi asked. She did her best to keep herself calm. She was hoping to the latter would be alright.

Himawari just kept silent. She then gave her young aunt a sad smile and she shook her head. The sad truth had been revealed. The lavender haired girl then opened her mouth.

"Uncle Neji didn't make it, He passed away before I was born." She simply said. It was true she did not the chance to meet his Uncle in person.

Hanabi was just shocked and surprised. No can't be! It was just Impossible, if is then How?

Himawari then began to explain that a fourth great shinobi war had took place. Neji was part of the Allied Shinobi forces and the latter gave his life by protecting a certain someone who become the lavender haired girl's mother.

Hanabi was just silent. There were tears falling from both of her eyes. She just can't believe it that all those things would happen soon enough. She then wiped her tears and then embraced the Uzumaki girl.

Himawari was just silent. She was secretly crying in the inside as she just couldn't bear the sadness of seeing her aunt in this state. As for Hanabi, she gave the girl thankful smile." Thank you for letting me know our future." She said.

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