Harry and I had set up Matthew's nursery in early August and were just waiting until he arrived. He was due September 24, but it was really up to him when he was going to be born. Harry was over the moon to be having a son. I know he'd always wanted a little brother growing up, and having a son was a dream for him. I'd been kind of hoping for a girl so we didn't have to buy new baby clothes, but I was excited to be having a son.

A week before Elizabeth's birthday, Harry, Elizabeth and I were on our way to the airport to pick up Madison. I was like a school girl the entire ride; I hadn't seen Madison since we'd left Los Angeles and I couldn't wait to show her around London.

"Sara, I can't tell if you're excited to see Madison or not," Harry teased.

"Ha-ha," I replied sarcastically. "I haven't seen her in months, Harry. This is the longest we've ever gone without seeing each other since the day we met."

"I'm glad she's finally visiting," he said. "And I'm sure Niall is, too."

"Oh yes, she told me he dropped his phone from jumping up from the couch in excitement when she told him she was coming to London."

"Did he really?"

"That's what Mads told me."

Harry laughed and shook his head. Madison and Niall had become pretty serious since Harry and I had last seen them. I was ecstatic that Madison was with Niall because he treated her like a queen, which is what she deserved.

Harry parked the car at the airport and we got Elizabeth into her stroller, making our way inside to find Madison. We waited outside the exit of the main terminal for her for about ten minutes before I saw the same blonde hair I'd become so familiar with.

"Madison!" I called, waving my hand to catch her attention. She saw Harry, Elizabeth, and I and practically ran to us.

"Sara!" Madison cried, wrapping me in a bear hug. "Oh, my god, you're huge. You look amazing."

"Thank you," I laughed. Harry gave Madison a hug and handed Elizabeth to her.

"How's my beautiful little god-daughter?" she cooed. "You're so big now."

"She said 'da-da' a few weeks ago," Harry said proudly. I rolled my eyes at him playfully and he grinned.

"You have got to show me around London, S," Madison said excitedly.

"Of course I will, but let's leave the airport first?" I joked, linking arms with Madison like we always did in high school. We walked to the baggage claim and Harry helped carry Madison's bags. We all walked to the car and got in.

"Where to first?" Harry asked from the driver's seat.

"Can we go eat?" I asked. "I'm starving."

"Of course, love," he replied. He picked my hand up and kissed it.

"Gross," Madison teased from the back seat. "You know, Elizabeth, your parents are the most sickeningly sweet couple I've ever known."

"Oh, hush, Madison," I scoffed. "I'm sure you and Niall would make me sick, too."

"Fair enough," she conceded.

"How are things with Niall?" I asked. "You don't talk about him much."

Madison sighed, "Things are good. I just never get to see him since I'm in L.A. and he's been all over the place lately."

"Well, you're going to see him soon since he's in London right now," Harry piped up.

"Maybe if he isn't busy he could meet us for lunch?" I suggested.

Madison smiled and pulled out her phone. We all decided on a place to eat and she told Niall where and when to meet us. She was smiling so hard.

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