Helix's body went rigid as his gaze locked with Zeus's. In unison, they both spoke. "You!"

To his right, Cinix grabbed for him but Helix moved to quick. Within a heartbeat, the god and man were on each other. Thunder cracked the sky and Helix snarled an inhuman shriek of rage his body beginning to shift.

"Enough!" The black cloaked figure rose to his feet, hands outstretched sending them both back against opposite walls.

Helix gasped for air as he hung suspended against the shimmering wall. He struggled to force a shift as he'd done when Cinix held him but nothing happened. Seeing Zeus held in a similar manner, he let his gaze go to the man still standing on the dais.

The hood obscured his face in shadow. His build was tall and lean with broad shoulders. Helix's instincts suddenly flooded him with indescribable horror. He knew who this person was. In every fiber of his being he knew.

"I apologize for my outburst."

An upward tilt of the cloaked figures head brought his face and eyes into focus. A strong jaw and fine features held eyes so dark grey they were almost black. In him, Helix sensed an ageless power so vast it eclipsed the pantheon of gods standing before him.

"Very well." His voice resonated through the room in a rich, deep vibration that made everyone in the room drop their eyes.

The pressure released letting Helix slide to the floor. Keeping his feet under him he landed with a surprising amount of grace.

"Damn you Nythis! Release me!" Zeus spat.

"This young man has more manners than you." Turning Nythis sat again on the black throne, leaving Zeus pinned to the wall with an invisible force. "Get on with this mess. Nona, call your other sister would you."

"Morta will be here in a moment." The seer walked forward climbing up the short dais to stand beside Nythis.

"I'm here! Sorry for my lateness."

A young looking woman with bright gold curls bounced into the room. Helix saw her eyes and knew she was as blind as Nona. Odd, two blind sisters and one seeing.

Nythis waited until Morta stood by her sister before speaking again, "Decuma Salvius, you have pleaded with me for a trial. Thief, traitor and attempted murder though you be, I have granted your petition. What do you wish to say?"

"My king, I am no thief. Poseidon gifted me his blessing upon my betrothal to his nephew Ares. My-" she paused her gaze flicking to Helix, "Re-gifting of that blessing was in a time of great need. And a traitor? Nay my king, I have done nothing but what is within my nature to do. I do not wish to be king as Ares accuses me of. For who could stand against Death?"

Nythis' hands steepled before him. "And of the attempted murder of Zeus? Did you not send a mortal, trained by your favored witch, and armed with an un-refutable favor from you, to retrieve your Seers sight and to take Ares' blessing in order to kill your former lover's own father?"

Decuma's eyes slid to Helix, a glint of malicious pleasure swirling in the beautiful green irises. "I have no quarrel with Zeus."

There it was. All of the answers Helix needed. The hair on the back of his neck rose. His eyes flicked from Sal to Zeus then to Ares. The war god's face paled as he met Helix's gaze, realizing the same thing as the wolf, he'd played into Sal's game. Ares had made Helix immortal and could he have enabled him to kill gods? But hadn't Ares known that already? And what exactly did it mean to kill a god?

"Only a War blessed king can kill me, bitch. Your own predictions of the future said so." Zeus snarled. "A simple blessing from my son is not enough."

Nythis stood, silencing Zeus. "Decuma, the Fate deems it true that you have not stolen from Poseidon. Morta, Nona, do you agree?"

Both seers nodded so the king continued, his voice emotionless. "As for being a traitor, and attempted murderer, the Fate judges your words true, however, your answers were far from forthright." His steely eyes looked to Helix. "What do you think, is she guilty?"

All eyes turned to him. Cinix's warning on the stairs chimed loud in his mind. Make no deals. Tell no lies.

Clearing his throat to give himself a moment to think he answered, "Of being a traitor to you? I would not know. Of attempted murder? Absolutely."

Nona leaped toward her red-haired sister as the gold cord in the stranger's hand exploded in a bright flash, Decuma shrieking curses. Within that blink, the Seer of the Future vanished.

Nythis released Zeus to go to Nona's side. She lay unconscious where her sister had last stood. Helix watched intently as the king's fingers brushed over her face. She shuddered sitting up quickly regaining consciousness. As her lids fluttered and opened Helix could only gape. Two familiar green eyes stared into his.


Authors Note: Welcome to the Specter and a fraction of the Pantheon. As they say, the game is afoot! But what is the game? Any guesses?

I wrote this while reading an amazing series here on wattpad called Bereft by @rentachi Go check out her stuff!

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