The big explosion

Start from the beginning

Mick took a few steps back and then pulled out his fire pistol. I held my hands up, mockingly as if I surrendered. "And now, do you fire that thing at me? As if that will help." I answered my own question. Grumbling, Mick doubted what to do. "This is not going to help our problem friend," said Leonard who had it with Mick's attitude.

It was wait and see what he was going to do. In all cases I didn't care much. "Okay, you win. Yes, you know me." I snapped. There was a time line to recover. "Ah," he said and looked at the others. "Tell." Sara forced on.

In places I came up with a lie with half a truth. ''Somewhere in the future or in the past, it depends how you look at it, we have already met each other. It didn't mean anything." I didn't tell any details and hoped they believed it but without success.

Mick looked at Sara. "She is lying." I rolled my eyes. ''Does it matter so much that our roads were already crossed once before?'' With a crooked head I looked at Mick and tried to calculate his reaction. "No, it does not matter, at least not me." Leonard interrupted. Sighs he squeezed the bridge of his nose. ''I am all interested in her plan and how we can restore this. I am not interested in her.'' He contradicted himself, because he was certainly interested in me.

Rip was with Leonard on this one, only the others didn't. "I don't have time for this. Just call me when you're decided." Without waiting for their answers, I teleported myself away from the Waverider. Somewhere in the forest I landed, I had no idea where I was, but I knew that I still had a lot of work to do to make this incident disappear.

As the Legends cooled off in their time ship, I went on an adventure. It was a new world to explore. Through my suit I attracted a lot of unwanted attention and quickly transformed back.

Meanwhile, opinions were clearly different in the Waverider. "That was perhaps our only chance to put this right." Rip said his opinion. Mick stood by his actions and didn't apologize for his behavior. "We'll find another way." Sara said again. "Maybe we don't need her after all." She added.

Leonard stood up and was about to walk away. "That's the point, we do need her." He sounded defeated. Waiting for the reactions of his team, he looked around the group.

After no one reacted to him, he shook his head. "That's what I thought. Thinking that we can always do it ourselves and when help is offered, we hit it off." This was perhaps one of the deepest things he had ever shared with the team. Leonard left the room and also the ship. In search of the Ghost he searched what were once the streets of Toronto.

I on the other hand found myself a quiet spot along a stream. With my feet in the rippling water I enjoyed nature. This variation of the world had its advantages. The birds singing their songs, the rustling of the trees and the warm summer breeze.

As if all worries had disappeared from the world, I enjoyed the moment. Not worrying if I could be attacked any time. Despite the fact that the T-Rex was in my mind, I didn't have to worry. I was now prepared for it.

A few hours passed, the Legends searched for Leonard and Leonard looked for me, well, the Ghost at least. Behind me I heard rustling in the bush, turning to where the sound came from, Leonard walked out of the bushes. "Hey, not who I was looking for but okay." He walked closer to me. ''Who are you looking for? That T-Rex?" I tried to be funny, luckily he could laugh at it. Personally, I thought it was a terrible joke. ''No, a lady in black actually. '' I was amazed by his description of my alter ego. "Oh, that's definitely not a T-Rex." I said before I knew it. A chuckle left his mouth.

Leonard, who clearly didn't care that he was seen in his parka coat, sat next to me. "A penny for your thoughts?" I looked at him questioningly. He threw a stone that he found next to him in the stream. ''Heavy day at work, nothing more.'' I nodded and was silent. Because if I went to ask about his work, he would find out that I was not of this time.

I asked nonchalantly about that lady in black. "Do you have an idea where to find her?" I quickly glanced at him before I looked at my feet again. ''No, that is just my problem.'' a deep sigh left his lungs. "There must be a way, isn't it?" This time I looked at him while I waited for an answer. Leonard stared hard at me, but his eyes weakened. ''Do we know each other?'' I have released a memory somewhere through my chatter with the young man. ''No. for as far I know." I stood up and made an attempt to walk away but Leonard stopped me. "Is there something?" I shook my head. "I have to go." A smile appeared around the corners of my mouth and carefully pulled my arm away from his grip.

I left Leonard stunned behind me. It was time to stop this once and for all. I transformed back into The Ghost and went back to the Waverider. ''I'm back! Missed me?" I walked through the ship and found Rip and Sara at the computer panel. "Leonard was looking for you. And the others for him. Where are they?" Sara asked directly. ''No idea, I haven't seen them.'' I looked at her.

Before Sara could say anything, Rip took the floor. ''Now that you are here we can bring back the others and turn this time back.'' Rip immediately spoke through a walkie-talkie, the size of a hearing aid, that everyone had to return to the ship.


Now that everyone was back on it again I could explain my plan for a second time. At least an attempt at it. "Good, where were we?" I looked around the room and continued as follows. ''My plan is to go further back in time just before the meteorite that makes all dinosaurs go extinct. I suspect that whoever is behind this has changed the course of the meteorite and we must, with the help of the Waverider, put him in the right direction again." Everyone took it in on what I just told.

Sara and Rip whispered something to each other. "Okay, and you're sure this is going to work?" Rip asked for certainty. ''Yes. By using the magnetic field of the ship in combination with my telekinesis we can bring the meteorite back in its course." It was very simple actually.

After everyone agreed with the plan, we went back in time just a few minutes before the meteorite hit the Earth or just didn't, it was just how you wanted to look at it.

The ship flew just outside the Earth's atmosphere. Waiting for the meteorite. The wait didn't last long and we were able to get started quickly. Rip activated the magnetic field to hold the meteorite in place. With my telekinesis I could put the meteorite back on its orbit to earth.

It was not easy, that thing weighed quite a bit but we succeeded and we could see how the dinosaurs came to an end. It was a sad but beautiful view. Our future was saved and we could return to the society as we knew it. A society full of electronics.

The Legends were kind enough to drop me off in any time. My stuff was still in an abandoned apartment in Toronto of 2002. Of course I couldn't just leave without erasing my side of the adventure. "One day you will find out and you have all the rights to be angry, but I can't afford this. I am really sorry about it all, about everything. I hope that someday you can understand this and forgive me." I let my magic do its job and erased their memory, only I thought so.

In one of the thoughts of a certain Legend I had forgotten to remove our meeting. And that could have been the biggest mistake in my life. That mistake changed my life for good.

The Ghost (LOT Reader X Leonard Snart)Where stories live. Discover now