"You're so..." I began, shaking my head slightly. "...so two-faced.." I cringe.

"What do you mean." He asks like an idiot.

"First you discuss how much you like Ally, how much you want her and determined to have her. Then the next moment, you're asking me to Homecoming."
I explain.

"Hey, you're the only one taking it personal." He raised both of his hands.

I scoffed, "You're ridiculous." I got back to working, not entertaining his nonsense.

"Oh c'mon. Don't tell me you don't have at least a little feelings for me.." He said with a smirk.

I looked at him, "Okay, I won't then."

He clicked his tongue. He stared for a second, then he spoke,

"Okay then why'd you runaway with me in my cousin's friends car that night at Quinn's party..?"
He gave me a suspicious look.

"Cause I was desperate." I answer.

He raised his eyebrows with excitement, "For me?"

"No you asshole. I was desperate to leave the party. It had nothing to do with you." I snarl at him.

"Lies." He says.

I sigh, "Fine then. Believe what you want." I got back to my essay. He smiled at me, "I will. And just know, you're incredibly fun to tease."

"Wow so what am I, your punching bag for pestering?" I ask without looking.

"Nah.." He shakes his head and faces forward,

"..more like a drug that's starting to get a tad addicting."
He made a tiny space between his index and thumb and showed me.

"What is this, Twilight?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I'll be your Edward only if you'll be my Bella." He teased.

"And I'll be the knee if only you'll be the crotch." I say back.


I raised my knee and Dallas jerked back, "Whoa whoa okay okay I'll stop." He raised his hands steadily as a defense.

He chuckled as he sat up in his seat.

"By the way, shouldn't you be practicing or something for the game tonight?" I crease my eyebrows.

"Ahh they know we're ready. We practice all week. Plus I'm the star player. So I'm naturally the best." He shrugged.

"Yeah okay that'll be all, I wanna focus on my essay thanks."
I try to shoo him away.

He got closer to my face, smiling from ear to ear,

"So you're saying I'm a distraction." He quirked an eyebrow in anticipation.

I nudged him off me with my elbow, "Leave." I say.

He laughs and then stands, "Alright Miss aggressive. Hmm, maybe I should rename you that?"
He made a thinking face.

He moved his legs from in front of the chair and then pushed it farther under the table with one hand.

"Nahh, I like big ears better." He shook his head and began walking away.

I watched him go for a second, tapping the eraser of the pencil I had in my hand on my essay paper.

Then I roll my eyes with a bit of a smile.


His Afrodite ✔ | #DiverselitWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt