I lifted my eyes towards Sonia, she looked bored, "What's her deal?" I whispered to Aurora and she turned her eyes to what I was looking at.


I nodded.

"She's Antonio's friend." She rolled her eyes, "I hate her." She spat and I gasped, causing the others to look up.

I threw them an apologetic smile and they returned back to the movie, "Why?"

"Since I can remember, She's had her sharp claws on Carlos, even when it's clear he wants nothing to with her, he just feels sorry for her."

"Did something happen between them?" I asked, but her expression had me quickly apologizing,

"I'm sorry-"

She smiled, "You're curious, I get it..You don't have to worry about Sonia, she's full of threats but won't hurt a fly-"  That doesn't sound like the Sonia I met. I thought.

We began whispering about other random things, mostly about Carlos though,

"In general, Carlos is a man with a big heart, you're very lucky..." She tells me and I smile widely at her, her words helped a lot, I've been quite bothered with how things were moving so fast,

"Finally-" One of the girls yelled and I looked up to see the movie was over.

Aurora shakes her head, "I hate that movie.." She exclaimed, "Why do you watch it?" I asked.

"Carlos and the boys make us watch it every damn year. It's supposed to help us understand the family business....it's pointless."

"What does a mafia movie have to do with a holding company?" I asked, rather out loud, because everyone turned to look at me-

Aurora quickly got up from the seat, "Excuse us." She said grabbing me out of the door with her.

We stopped at an empty hallway and she looked around before turning to me, "You do know who Carlo is right?" She asked.

"Yes, he's a businessman." I said in an obvious tone.

"He didn't tell you?" She gasped.

At this point I became scared, "Is there something I need to know?" She smiled and shook her head, "No, of course not....anyway I was thinking we should go out for ice cream-"

I nodded, but It was clear she was hiding something, Carlos has a lot of explaining to do when he returns.

We got home an hour ago and Carlos was still not back. I have tried calling and texting but he hasn't replied any.

My mind couldn't help but drift to the last time this happened, Why do I spend my day worrying about him?  I should be focusing my attention on getting Nate out, 

But instead, I'm here worried sick about Carlos. I groaned and threw myself on the bed. I picked up my phone and began playing random games on it and before I knew it, I dozed off.

I awoke sometime later to the room door opening. I opened and rubbed my eyes to see Carlos entering the room,

He had black sweats on and his hair was dripping wet as if just getting out of the shower,"Did I wake you?"

"You are late?"

"I had a lot of work to do.."

He walked over and sprawled himself on the bed, closing his eyes tiredly. I pondered on what Aurora had said earlier before asking,

"What sort of work?"  He blinked his eyes open to me, "What's wrong?" He asked. On second thought maybe I am just being paranoid for nothing.

"Never mind." I shook it off and proceeded to ask him other things, "I want to see your wound?" I said and, without fighting or arguing, he raised his shirt and allowed me to take a look.

His rippled muscles were making it hard for me to concentrate on the wound, "You don't need to be shy-" He said as I quickly covered him up.

"Shut up." I shot back and threw him a pillow, which he caught perfectly in one hand and pulled me to his chest with the other,

"What are you a magician?" I sighed and he laughed shortly, and soon his phone began to ring, booming the quiet room. He groaned and reached out for it on the stand, "ha.." he answered sitting up straight,

I watch him rub the brim of his nose frustratedly, listening, before sighing,

"I'm on my way?" He uttered and got up from the bed, "Where are you going?" I asked quickly.

"I'm going to pick up my cousin, I won't be long-"

I shook my head, "I wanna come?"

"No, it's too dangerous, Just go to bed. -" He uttered walking towards the door, I quickly rolled off the bed and followed him behind,

"Eva." he sighed.

"I'm not one of your men Carlos, you can't order me around, I'm coming with you and that's final-" I tell him and he eyed me for a moment before sighing.

"Fine-" he uttered and I grinned.


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