Chapter 4: Slow improvements.

Start from the beginning

"What really?" Shiro says.

"That is good to hear Keith.." Adam smiles at Keith "How did you meet them?"

"Well there is this one jerk.. Lance.."

"Jerk! What did he do to you?" Shiro's dad mode just went on. "When people aren't nice to you you shouldn't be friends with them! We don't want them to leave you like the others did."

"Shiro.. calm down. These people only know me as me.. Keith. And.. that jerk isn't that bad. He really is great.. sometimes.. only sometimes. His name is Lance. I met him first when he spilled coffee all over me, we got pretty angry at each other and had a fight.. but he said sorry and he kept bugging me.. someday later I was hanging out with him and his friends Pidge and Hunk."

Keith tells them the story.. and Adam looks at Keith with a smirk. He then whispers so only Shiro can hear him. "Sounds like the beginning of a romance novel.."

Shiro chuckles.. yeah it would be great if Keith found someone special to him like a lover.. but well, you can't force these things. Shiro wouldn't even think it is weird if Keith never got a boyfriend. Keith doesn't seem like he is searching for one.. he never has been. But Shiro thinks Keith may need someone special.. someone he can trust.. it would be good for him to have someone he can trust.

"Pidge is a total nerd... and Hunk is the sweetest guy I've met so far.. he is like a angel. Lance.. he is irritating, obnoxious, loud actually total opposite of me... but, I have the feeling I can trust him kind of. He's passionate, loyal... still a jerk though.. biggest jerk of all."

"Hey Keith.." Adam still has that smirk. "Did you know opposites attract?"

Keith doesn't understand it... but then after a few seconds it clicks.
"Shut up Adam!"

Adam shrugs his shoulders. "Just a fact.."

Keith rolls with his eyes. "I've invited you two and I would not hesitate to throw you both out."

"Okay okay.. We won't talk anymore about your crush on the Lance kid."

"Adam." Keith says with a groan.
"I'll just ignore you now then." Adam sticks his tongue out and Keith does the same thing. "As I was saying.. before Adam was getting weird ideas. I think hanging out with these people will help me."

"Are you going to try swimming?" Shiro asks.

"No! Never.." Keith frowns. Shiro knows he isn't so why does he keep insisting.

"Okay okay.. that is fine, and it is your choice. I just thought maybe you would try it.."

Keith knows Shiro just cares about him.. and getting angry will not help anybody. "I know.. sorry for shouting."

Adam and Shiro look at each other again... Keith who says sorry.. how did that suddenly happen. Maybe these new friends really are good for him."


Lance and Hunk are just hanging out in Lance's apartment. Just talking about somethings not important. Like when they where kids still in middle school. First crushes.. you know that kind of stuff.

They also talked about when the two had a college dorm room together, good times.. good times. Hunk and Lance just always have been friends. And later Pidge joined their group. They always thought that they where complete after that.

But they really like that Keith joined.

"He can be moody sometimes.. but he has something to him." Hunk says. "Like you can tell him evergthing kind of."

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