The Punchline (Epilogue)

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Oh fuck, isn't life a sick joke? I think to myself eyeing Commissioner Gordon in the distance. The pig was doing what all pigs do best, eating. Here's the punchline, I have only one bullet left in my gun. Which of course I need if I have any shot at stopping Enigma's death. Who knew how much time I had to get to her.


What would Baby Riddles do? Think, Gordon didn't know I had one bullet. Bluff! That's it! I approach him quickly with the gun raised.

Gordon looked up from his phone with a bored look. "Kane?" He looked unamused, I doubt anything I could say would shock him. He's lived in this city far too long. "Come to turn yourself in." He said, plainly as his free hand reached for his gun.

"HAHA, very funny dearie." I try to keep my act, I notice what he was trying to do. "Tssk Tssk Tsk. Gordon I've got no time to play, as much as I love our little games." I wink as I sit up on the hood of his car. "sooo unless you want a bullet through your brain dontcha touch the gun." I laugh darkly, loving how it sounded but my laugh causes me to wince. Fuck, did I just make it clear that I am wounded?

Gordon remained calm, moving slow. "What do you want."

"I need you to drive me somewhere."

"Only place I drive you to is Arkham, I'm not letting you near a hospital."

"The hospital?" I laugh, ignoring the ticking clock in my head. I didn't have this time. Enigma didn't have this time. "No. This is just a flesh wound, it'll heal. I need you to take me the Riddler. As a gesture of my amazing sincerity, I will even let you bring him to Arkham instead of moi!"

"As thrilling as that offer sounds, why would I help you?" Gordon says not making a motion to help.

"I have a gun." I smirk, thinking it was obvious.

"From the looks of it, I can wait until you pass out from blood loss then call for backup."

Rage began to stir beneath my skin, I hate cops. He's lucky I don't drill his head into that glass of the car. I smirk at the idea, before growling. I needed to get to E, no time for fun. "AND-" I put a finger up like I had more to offer. "I'll throw in anything I know about the whereabouts of Miss Emily Nashton. I know you're the one keeping her case open."

I saw it in his eyes, I peaked his curiosity. Good. Now hopefully he'd move along. Enigma still wasn't picking up, I had her number dialed again. Riddler couldn't kill her...he wouldn't kill his own daughter. I repeat over and over in my mind. It was the fact I kept having to telling myself.

"How do you know that name?" Gordon said with a suspicious look in his eyes.

"Let's just say I have elephant ears dearie, and you weren't as quiet as a LETS GO!" I growl, hearing the second hand on my acid spraying watch get louder and louder.

"And how do I know this isn't a trap."

"Do I look like someone who has the energy to trap you right now. Now, can we hurry? Your little friend doesn't have a lot of time."

Finally, that old commissioner made his way to the car. I collapse into the front seat, trying to stay strong. "Don't cha have a med kit?" I pushed the gun next to his temple when we got in the car.

He started the engine, remaining calm. "Under the seat." I smirk, reaching for it with my spare hand. My eyes still on Gordon. I had to patch up a wound or two before we got to Enigma. I'll need my strength.

My phone lights up with the last seen location of the Riddler. Not all of his henchmen were as loyal as the old man thought, plus everyone knew Echo and Query were the oddest cougars around.

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