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I thought little about my brawl with Kane as I walked back to Graceland. Not wanting to return to Rachel covered in blood, I cleaned up in a gas station prior to heading into the building.The feeling of lurking eyes made me look around. No one. Why am I so paranoid? I sigh, shaking my head as I walk up the stairs. It's been a long night. In the corner of my eye I notice a man with a hat tilted inward. Suspicious, maybe I-No, Enigma you're just exhausted. Go upstairs and get some sleep. I tell myself, opening the doorway to our apartment. Soon enough I slipped by, falling into my bed with the sheer weight of exhaustion on me. My heavy eyes dropped as my face hit the pillow with a plop.

A gasp came from the living room, making my eyes pop open. Rachel? I carefully roll around in bed, noticing the sun had yet to rise this morning. Wait but that noise, it belonged to Rachel! She never woke up this early! I spring from my bed, swiftly moving to the door.

"I said you need to go." Her voice came from just beyond our bedroom door. I wonder who she was talking to. My hand gently cracks open the door, peeking out of my room to find where the noise came from.

"What are you up to Rachel?" A male voice questioned out loud, sounding concern with a hint of accusation. Only a handful of people called Rose by her real name for hardly anyone knew it. The only person beside her mom and I who knew her name Rachel was Kane. I doubt this voice belonged to him, too professional and serious. Plus, he rarely ever calls us by our actual names.

"Nothing." Rachel insists, "Lets go some place else to talk."

"You disappeared without a trace. Are you in danger?" The voice was oddly familiar, but not recognizable. Slowly I move the door open to catch view of the mystery boy.

"I know, I'm sorry but can you just go, you're not supposed to be here."

My breath shorts at the sight of the a cleaned up Richard Grayson, in the doorway of our apartment. What the hell is he doing here? Little bat freak. Without a second thought my hand grabbed to my knife. I pause, noticing how comfortable Rachel looked right now. No mass of plant's ready to tear him a part, she stood utterly defenseless like... did she-? Everything comes crashing down, hitting me. My head starts to spin at the realization, there was something between them. I feel sick, holding alongside the wall.

"Please Dick, you need to get out of here." Dick? Really, how on earth is Dick short for Richard? There's no D! Or K for that matter.

"Why?" His voice dropped, light blue eyes drifted past Rachel. He noticed a shadow. His body tensed, hand staying still by his side. Grayson stood on guard, keeping his voice lowered. "Who's here?" He sounded concerned, which I thought was funny. A hero concerned for a villain, like that would ever- nevermind. Suddenly, I develope an anger inside of me.

"It's none of your concern..." Rachel started, but my mouth could not stay shut any longer.

"It really isn't, because I am leaving." I snap, turning to my room to pack. Inside I felt betrayed, jealous, annoyed. I could not stay in the same house as this traitor, hero fan girl, idiot flower hippy.

"E...." Rachel notices I am hurt and frowns. She hurries after me.

I continue to walk, not wanting to deal with her for the rest of the night. "Emily!" Rachel repeated louder. What did she want of me? I could not have already ruined her date night, and so what if I did! I presumed she would let me go, let me run away. A sharp twist of my arm, brings me back to her. I look her start in the eye. "Emily, tell me what this is all about." Her eyes looked at me with some type of concern. I knew it had to be fake, what else could it be.

I roll my eyes, staying quiet. "What is what about." Although, I might have been acting childish I knew I was in the right here. How dare Rachel act like I am some diva.

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