"But I'm pretty sure it- Ouch!" Lucy glares at her sister. Molly looks away innocently, her elbow sticking out beside Lucy at a dubious angle. 

"Let me see." I ask as politely as I can, crossing the kitchen and extending my hand so I can check the letter really isn't for me. Lily follows me and snatches the letters away, leaning against the table. 

"NO! THEY'RE MINE!"She screeches, running off towards her room. I  narrow my eyes at the remainer of my family. 

"Was it from Scorpius?" 

Molly's eyes widen and she shakes her head viciously. "Of course not, why would he send you any letters? Ha-ha!"

"Well I thi- OUCH, MOLLY QUIT IT!" Lucy whirls around, smacking her sister's arm harshly. Well with all the nudging and head-shaking, it's pretty obvious what's going on here. I leave Grandma Molly to sort them out and climb up the stairs to my room. If Scorpius wants to send letters, let him. I'm not answering any of them.

But I must admit, I am pretty curious towards whatever is in them. 

*               *                     *                   *                  *                  *                *                     *

If you can picture a girl desperate enough to sneak around the house at two in the morning to find one damn letter, you can probably picture me right now. Yes, that's quite right. I'm looking for the letters my family is purposely hiding from me. They've given me letters from Bex, yes, but as much as I love her, I'm much more interested in what that slimy git of a Slytherin is sending me. 

Letters telling me how stupid I am? Maybe. I don't know, and that's what's making me to intrigued. I've already looked around Lily's drawers to see if she kept them, bus she hasn't, so now I've decided to look in the kitchen. As I descend the stairs of the burrow (which, by the way, is significantly bigger than when my Dad lived here- Grampa Arthur decided it was getting far too cramped, especially during the holidays, so he built an extension where are the Grand-kids rooms are- I try not to make any sounds. Sadly, it's hard considering everything is made of wood. 

So basically, I've given up on being noiseless, and started creating a list of excuses I could use in case anyone finds me on the way there. A) I was hungry. Classic Weasley excuse. B) I couldn't sleep. Plausible, but obvious. C) Sleep walking. Out of the three, I thought the first one was the best so lets go with that. 

Just as I passed the room where James and Fred were sleeping a door creaked open and a mass of brown hair appeared. In the dark, it looked almost black and I could barely see his eyes which were half closed with sleep. "What the bloody hell are you doing up?" James asks, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes and stepping outside. 

I freeze, my bare foot stuck in mid step. Rose, tip of your tongue, you had it just a moment ago... "I- um, was going to, um-" I stammer, fianlly realising how cold it was outside. "Hungry." I finally manage, shrugging. James nods. I suppose he's too tired to be mad at me so he's just ignoring the fact that I dated Scorpius. He hasn't really mentioned anything the past few days, but he hasn't been friendly either. 

I continue down the corridor more casually, turning towards the kitchen. He follows me. Damn it, out of all the people I could have woken, it had to be James, the only one who bloody well loathes Scorpius's guts and takes it out on me. I open the fridge and take out the milk, eyeing him warily. I start opening drawers, as if I were looking for spoons, hoping her won't realise. Nothing here... I note, shuffling through oven mitts. 

Not here either...I close a drawer filled up with cookies again to find James glaring at me groggily. "The spoons are there you nitwit, even I know that." he jokes, taking one out and shoving it under my nose. "See?"

"I knew that."I mutter under my breath and grimace, taking the spoon from him. I take the can of chocolate milk and start stirring, looking around until I find something. My eyes land over the top of the fridge, where a small pile of paper is sticking out casually. Hiding it in an obvious place. Genius. 

I pretend I didn't notice them. We sit in silence for a few moments, James slurping down whatever he's drinking and me forcing chocolate milk down my throat. I'm just waiting for him to leave so I can reach for the letters. 

That's when I have a semi-heart attack from hearing someone whispering outside the window. I practically fall off my chair, hitting the ground hard with my elbow. "Bloody Hell." I curse, sitting up. James seems to be more alert now, his eyes narrowed towards the window. Two shadows stand there, wands in hand. They seem to be arguing about something in angry hisses, pointing at the door. Burglars? Wizard burglars?

"Death Eaters? They've come before.. Is it them again?" James is barely audible, crouching behind the table. "Do you have your wand?"

"No," I scowl. "Well what do you plan on doing, pouncing on death eaters at two in the morning dressed in broomstick pajamas with nothing but a bloody spoon in hand?" 

"It's better than nothing!" He hisses back, turning towards the door which is being rattled forcefully. Someone on the other side curses. I can feel the blood pounding through my head as I grip James's arm, pulling him back. My mouth is as dry as a desert. What if they are death eaters? There have been rumours about a few invading stores this week- but not houses. 

"Well at least get a knife-" I am cut short by a loud bang, and the door opening cautiously. I hold my breath. James is stiff beside me, his eyes round. The burglars approach our hiding spot carelessly, walking as if they already knew the place. Just as the first sole of a foot touches the ground in front of us, James jumps up, screaming like a deranged lion. 



"JAMES SIRIUS POTTER WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" Uncle Harry screams as he turns on the lights. My eyes adjust to the bright and I find James and my Dad sprawled on the floor, clawing at eachothers faces much like what Crookshanks would do. "And what kind of a weapon is a spoon?" 

I stand by the table, biting  my lip so I won't laugh. James finally realises what's happened and stands up awkwardly, pulling his shirt straight. My Dad sits up on the floor, looking around, clearly confused by the events. "What in Merlin's name was that? I thought it was that mad cat of Hermione's attacking me, you know how that creature is..." 

I help my Dad up and he dusts himself off. He then heads towards the fridge, probably looking for something to eat. Harry's talking to James, probably telling him off for pouncing on his Uncle at the dead of the night. "Rosie, where did you Mother- I mean, Grandmother- hide the cookies?" 

You would think she would hide them from the children, but no, she hides them from her own children. I point at the drawer where I saw them before and he giddily opens them. After ten minutes or so, they declare themselves exhausted from their 'important auror buisness' and leave. I tell them I'm right behind them, but obviously, I'm just waiting for them to leave. 

Sheesh, that took long enough. 

Finally, all three of them are gone and I turn towards the fridge, narrowing me eyes on the thin pile of letters. I take them down. There are three in total, all from Scorpius. Once again I find myself wondering why he would send me letters after he pointedly told me it was all just a dare. 

I open the first letter and start reading. 



Again I wrote this late at night and TIRED SO SDJFBOJAFHAL i hope you liked it

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