To Be Or Not To Be? Part 2

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"So what's up?" He closed the door behind me and I took off my jacket.

"Um, I just had to tell you something that was important...Can we sit down and talk?"

"Yeah of course." He led me towards his table and we sat down.

"So...what did you want to tell me?" He re-adjusted his glasses.

"I'm pregnant."


"I'm pregnant."

"Wow, um...."

"And you're the father..."


Ace looked at me and looked confused.

"5 weeks ago we had sex and after that I met Jacob and I had sex with him. So I didn't know who was the father but I took some saliva from both you and Jacob and I got a letter that told me that you were the father." I fumbled with my hands.

"Have you told Jacob about this?"

"No...I came here first, I thought I should tell the father first so that we can decide what to do first."

"Right...I...Don't know what to say."

"I know but we have to decide what to do."

At that moment his phone rang and I saw a picture of a girl named Alyssa. He flipped his phone over and leaned back in his chair.

"This isn't a really great time. I understand that, I mean clearly "Alyssa" Is calling so I think that means we shouldn't have a baby."

"Simone... That's not what I'm trying to portray, can you just give me some time to figure out what I think about this situation?"

"I don't really have time...some decisions are time sensitive..."


"I'm not going to tell Jacob until we figure out a decision. So you'll have some time, but please tell me by next week." I got up and walked towards the door and grabbed my jacket.


I turned back around and looked at him.

"I'm sorry...about all of this..."

" am I..." I turned back around and left his apartment.

Once I reached my apartment I parked my car and broke down in the car. 

"How did I put myself in this situation?"

I left my car and went up to my apartment to find Jacob in front of my door holding a bouqeut of flowers and some candy. 

"Hey.." I called out to him and he turned around and smiled widely.

"Hey." I reached him and hugged him tight.

This, is who I want to be with, who I want to have kids with. This feels right.

"Let's go inside."

He kissed the top of my forehead, "Are you ok? Your eyes seem red?"

"I'm ok, thanks baby." We walked inside and I hugged him tight again.

The next following week I spent most of my time with Jacob and Ben, besides going to work and trying to not focus so much on the pregnancy and what I was going to do about it.

I was getting ready for bed when my phone rang.



"How are you?"

"I'm good, you?"

"I'm ok. So....I was thinking that we should talk about what we're going to do."

"Yeah, we should.."

"Is he over there?"

"No, he's not.."

"Can I come over? I feel like this is something we should talk about face to face."

"Yeah of course."

"Cool, I'll be over in 20 minutes."

"Ok." We hung up and I got out of bed and put my robe on.

I sat down in my living room waiting for Ace to come over. After 20 minutes he knocked on my door and I walked over, opening it.



We sat down on my couch and Ace sat down next to me.

"So... I'm not ready for a baby...And I don't think you are either. I'm in a really good place with Jacob right now and I don't want anything that would shake that up. I think I'm in love with him."

He stared at me and then nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm not ready to be a father, I would want to be in a relationship before I even think about kids. I know you really love Jacob so I don't think we should have a baby together, you should be having his baby, not mine. It's not fair to him."

"Yeah, I feel guilty, just hiding all this from him."

We talked for a bit more and he decided that we should end the conversation since he had to go home to sleep.

"So we've decided?"

"Yup, no changing our minds. We can't tell Jacob or anyone else. We'll just keep this between us two."

"Yeah. So I'm coming to the doctor's with you right?"

"Yup, I'm gonna go in tomorrow so I'll call you."

He nodded and leaned in to hug me and I hugged him back.

"We have to fix our problem, no one else can do that."

I nodded my head and waved bye to him as he left my apartment.

The next day we were sitting in the waiting room and my hand was shaking, Ace grabbed my hand and held it tight. The doctor called my name and we both got up and followed the doctor.

After the procedure, Ace continued to hold my hand even after we had left the doctor's office. I was cramping a bit but the doctor said that would be normal. We got to the parking lot and Ace stopped me and hugged me tightly. He just held me as time passed by. He leaned back and I saw tears in his eyes but he just sniffled and kissed the top of my head. I wiped away some tears that had fallen down my face.

He just held my hands while I took deep breaths and hugged me again until we both felt comfortable enough to leave to get into our cars and leave. Before he left he told me he would call me when he got home. I nodded my head and he kissed my forehead and my cheek. I got in my car and he waved the entire time before I couldn't see his figure anymore.

I got upstairs to my apartment and laid down on the couch crutching my stomach, feeling the slight cramps. I let tears fall down from my eyes. I knew I made the right decision but it didn't mean that I wasn't emotional about it.

After a while of sitting on my couch, Ace called me and we talked for a good three hours. It was nice, it made me feel more connected to him, especially after this thing that we went through.

Jacob came over that night and we hung out at home, since I wasn't feeling like going out to dinner. He held me tight, after I started to randomly cry and didn't even question it. He kissed the top of my forehead and said it was all going to be alright. 

And he was right, it was all going to be alright soon.

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