Nap time

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Its been a couple of months since my graduation and me and Ace fixing our friendship. I finally found an apartment with two bedrooms and a beautiful kitchen and living room and that bathroom's not that bad either.

Ace graduated and found a job in the city so eventually he's gonna be working near me! Ben also graduated and Has been coming to help me with my moving process. Ellie is almost turning one in a couple of months and I'm so excited. Its been wonderful watching her grow up and laugh and play. 

I was just finishing up painting my living room the deep color of purple that I had painted my bedroom. When I heard a knock on my door.

"Coming!!" I ran for the door and looked through the peephole.

I saw my younger sister, Nicole smiling.

I swung open the door and immediately pulled her in.

"Hi!!!" I hugged her tight.

"Hi big sis! You've been way too busy for me huh?" She smiled and laughed.

"No I haven't I just was really busy with life but I'm always available for you! How's senior year of high school?"

"Ugh I'm dying, Why didn't anyone tell me it was gonna be this difficult?" She took off her shoes and walked in sitting down at my dining room table.

"That's high school for you! How are you and Sarah?" I sing songly teased her.

"Ugh stop it...We're good like really good, I'm really happy."

"Well that's all a sister could wish for. Did you just come from Vanessa's?"

"Yeah I did, Ellie is just so adorable, She's growing up so fast!"

"Yeah she is." I walked towards my wall going to resume my painting of my wall.

"You're painting your living room?"

"Yeah? Why? Should I not paint my living room?" I turned and looked at her while I was finishing the last stroke of purple paint.

"No you should paint your living room, it's your living room. I just never thought that you would paint your own living room, I thought you would have someone else paint it for you."

I laughed. "I've painted my bedroom before, I'm able to paint stuff I don't need a man to come help me lol."

 She shrugged and walked into my kitchen grabbing a bottle of water from my fridge.

"Are you and Ace dating yet?" She sat back down. I turned quickly and looked at her with my mouth hanging open.


"Why aren't you guys dating again? I mean you guys are perfect for each other."

"Because we're friends, Best friends, it would be too weird."

"Yet you guys kissed when you were 13? Was that not too weird then?"

"AH AH! we don't speak about that, me and Ace resolved our issues on that and now we're good. It took us a while but we're good. Focus on your own relationships you weirdo." She laughed while I shook my head.

Nicole stayed over for a few more hours before she had to go back home. I had finally just sat down to chill on the couch and watch some Scandal on Netflix. I ended up passed out on the couch and woke up to the changing screen of Netflix when you pause a video for a long time. I sat up and turned off the tv and headed for bed. I've had a long day I need some sleep.


I woke up disorientated, who's pounding on my door? I jump up and run towards my door, swinging it open.

"Ace..." He was standing there tears running down his face, face red and hair messed up.

I opened my arms and he rushed into them, breaking down with heavy sobs coming from him. I patted his shaking back and could feel the tears soaking into my shirt. 

And we just stood there...Me holding him tight and him crying into my shoulder...

We eventually moved to my room where he just sunk into my bed and stared out the window. I laid behind him and cuddled him, just looking at his neck as it moved as he swallowed. I'm not going to rush him into telling me what happened. He'll tell me when he's ready.

The next morning I opened my eyes to the blinding sun coming in through the window. I looked to my left and saw that Ace wasn't in my arms anymore.  I sat up and moved off my bed to head to find Ace.

I walked out into my living room and saw Ace sitting down in a chair staring out the window.

I walked closely to him and stopped when he spoke.

"She cheated on me."

I put my hand over my mouth and walked to him and put my hand on his shoulder. He grabbed my hand and held it.

"What did you do?"

He looked up at me and I saw the bags under his eyes and how puffy and red his eyes were.

"I just looked at her with a blank stare as she told me she had made out with a close friend when she was crying after the friend's boyfriend broke up with her. Then she mentioned how she understands if I wanted to break up with her. I just turned away and walked out the door and came here."

"I didn't know she was into girls.."

"She's not, she told me that it was just a spur of the moment thing, that they both weren't expecting it." He hung his head down.

"What do I do? I don't even know if it was a spur of the moment thing. She still cheated on me, how do I go back to facing her?"

I sighed and then walked in front of him. "What do you think you need to do right now?"

"I have no idea...honestly I just want to take a nap..."

"Ok, let's start there. Come on we're gonna take a nap...for as long as you want."

I grabbed both his hands and helped him out of his chair and walked towards my bedroom and got on the bed, opening my arms out for him to lay on me. He climbed onto the bed and laid his head on my stomach and not too long after I heard deep breaths coming from him.

A nap, yeah let's start there, that's all we should do right now, a nap sounds perfect...

Hey!!! Sorry for the long break! College exams have been happening so I've been studying, I'm going to update more regularly since I'm on Winter Break now!!!

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