The Beginning

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 "Rule #1, I'm only doing this to help you with the ladies understand?"

"Yup, of course I completely agree."

"Rule #2, this stops as soon as you get into a relationship or you feel ready enough to get into a relationship."

"Yes, correct. Can we stop with the rules now?"

"What? but I haven't even gone to rule # 3, we have to stay.."

"Yes yes I understand, ok just teach me please?"

I stared at my best friend since kindergarten and took in his messy brown waves on top of his head and his black rimmed glasses that showcased his beautiful green eyes. My name is Simone Grace, but all my friends call me Simon or Mone, i have curly dark brown hair and beautiful brown eyes. I have nice olive colored skin and I'm around 5'6. Ace and I had a nice normal friendship, always hanging out and playing games. We were called the twins around school, since if you saw one, the other wouldn't be that far away. 


"huh? what? oh sorry? what were you saying?"

"I was saying that I wanted you to teach me? what happened, you were just staring at me?"

"Oh nothing, I was just thinking of what to teach you first... hmm let's see, um how about how to talk to girls?"

"I know how to talk to girls!"

"Your mom, your sisters and I don't count!" I chuckled.

"Well, first off I think you should give me some pointers, I mean I can talk to girls but I get so nervous I mean they seem so intimidating." he sat back down on his bed staring at the wall.

"We're not, I promise you, we just sometimes put on this front to keep "creeps" away from us, its something to protect ourseleves. How do you typically talk to girls?"

He rubbed his head and repositioned his glasses on his face. " I normally start off with Hi, how are you? and then somewhere down the line, I mess up and they think I'm really weird and then the conversation is over."

"Ok so lets start, try talking to me like how you would talk to a girl you like."

"Ok I can do that! Hi... OMG Simone what do I call you? I can't call you Simone, I mean we're friends I can't call you the girl I like? we need a name!" 

"Ok, Ok, OK! calm down bud, you can call me Jess, are you happy now?"

"Yes! ok Hi Jess, how are you?"

"Oh Hi Ace! I'm great, enjoying the wonderful day! how are you today?"

"Jess doesn't sound like that."


"ok ok don't need to get so upset... I'm great, what are you doing?"

"I'm sitting here talking to you silly!"

"Oh right, do you like bread?"

I laughed, I dropped onto my side and and held my stomach, I got back up and wiped my eyes. " I'm sorry, it's not funny.. but it kind of is, I see your problem now and I know how to help you. Firstly you need to know how to continue a conversation, how about you try talking to "Jess" again but act like you're talking to me."

"Ok I can try... just talk to Jess like I'm talking to you?"  i nodded my head and looked at him.

"Hi Jess how are you?"

"I'm great! thanks for asking how are you?"

"I'm great! you're in Chemistry right?"

"Yeah I am, it's so hard!" I liked the way this conversation was heading, Ace is doing a great job so far!

"I took chemistry last year I can help you out if you want?"

"Yeah! that would be totally awesome thanks!"

"Great, um how's thursday at 5? in the library?"

"Yeah thats great! thanks!"

"No problem, well I gotta head to class! I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah of course! Bye." I got up from the bed and stood in front of Ace, grabbing his arms. "Ace you did it! you held a conversation with a girl!"

"I did didn't I? wow i didn't feel nervous at all, thanks Mone!"

"Of course, no problem! Always glad to help!" he got up and hugged me. I laid my head on his shoulder a bit just taking in his normal smell of Irish Spring body wash. He moved away and headed for his phone.

"This calls for a treat! Pizza? Extra Pepperoni?!" I nodded my head and sat back down on the bed. I'm sure you all are pretty confused, "Why is this girl named Simone, teaching a guy how to talk to girls?" "Is this a friends with benefits thing?" and to that I have to answer that no,this is not a friends with benefits sort of thing, I don't plan on sleeping with my best friend. Secondly, I'm teaching Ace, how to talk to girls because he's never really dated anyone and since reaching our third year in college he's made it a point to explain to me how much he wants to be in a relationship. So being his best friend, I've decided to help him out. 

We're both living in the same dorm apartment which makes it really convenient to do this whole self help thing. I'm 19 years old and Ace is 20 years old, but only because his birthday is a good six months before mine. And yes heuses any chance he can to make sure people know he's older! We're only doing this whole thing until he gets into a relationship. It shouldn't be too hard, he's around 6'2 and has a muscular build from playing sports, but don't let that fool you he's still totally a nerd! he keeps his head in his academics and school work. I've had a couple boyfriends in my years but nothing too serious, I'm currently single so I have all the free-time to help Ace find a girlfriend! 

I yawned and laid back on his blue duvet and stared at his ceiling covered in glow in the dark stars. I could hear Ace's voice from the living room ordering pizza and I turned myself on to my right side looking outside his window and looking at the rain falling. What a perfect day to stay inside...

I woke up to Ace patting my shoulder trying to wake me up, I had no idea I had fallen asleep.

"Mone....Mone..Mone wake up! the pizza is here!" I got up and sat staring straight in front of me trying to wake up before I got up off the bed. I walked to our living room and saw Ace in the kitchen grabbing plates and cups. I sat down on the comfy beige couch and grabbed the remote off the coffee table and turned on Netflix, so that we could continue watching Big Mouth. He walked into the living room and sat down on my right and handed me a plate and a cup.

"Do you want me to pour you some soda?" I looked over at Ace.

"Yeah thanks Mone!" He handed me his cup and I poured some Sprite into his favorite Doctor Who cup, before pouring some into my own cup. i grabbed some slices of the pizza and thanked Ace for the pizza and we chowed down. 

After watching Big Mouth for a while I decided to go to sleep. "Goodnight Ace, i'm exhausted." I leaned down to kiss his check and then walked to the kitchen to wash my dishes and then headed towards my bed. I changed into my pajamas and got into bed and turned off my lights. I hope nothing awkward happens from me helping out Ace.

Hey guys a new story has just been born!!! But yes please don't take these tips way too seriously it's just for fun and for this specific story. Some of these tips are from real life though and have applied to me and many others I know but please enjoy the story. It may take me some time especially since I'm in school and it can get a bit hetic!!! Much love naffi80011!

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