Can we start over?

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I stayed up all night, I couldn't sleep. I mean how could I? I had just kissed my best friend who was dating a really nice girl. I mean I know it was for practice but it didn't feel like practice it felt like there was something more hidden there.

I sat up and looked at my clock, its 6 A.M. I slid out of bed and put my robe on and went to go make myself a cup of coffee.

While I sat on the couch sipping on my coffee when Ace walked out of his room with his glasses on his face.

"Good morning."

"Good morning. I made some coffee do you want some?"

"Yeah sure I would love some." He walked into the kitchen and poured himself some coffee.

He came back out and sat down on the couch next to me.

"So any plans today?"

"Um no, no plans today, How about you?"

"I'm gonna hang out with Jaime at her place today."

"Oh cool nice, have fun. I might call up Ben and have him come hang out here."

"Cool cool.... Well I better get ready I'm gonna be leaving soon." He got up and was almost out of the room when I stopped him.


"Yeah?" He turned around.

"Are we good?"

"Yeah? Why?" 

"Just I don't know I felt like things are just awkward since we kissed yesterday."

"No, I'm just tired. We're cool." He smiled and I nodded and he continued on his way.

 I just watched his retreating figure and shook it off. I'm sure I'm just being weird.

 For the next couple of days things were tense, but as time went on everything was good again with me and Ace. He was over at Jaime's a lot and she had been over at our place a lot and I had actually hung out with her myself and she's really fun. I'm so glad that her and Ace were dating.

I had been even more busy then I was expecting and I wasn't home a lot of the time so I didn't really get to hang out with Ace and I mean I thought it was fine but He kind of seemed upset with me.

I walked into Starbucks and sat down waiting for Ben to come and hang out with me. I haven't seen him in a while since I've been so busy and stuff.

"Hey Simone!" 

"Ben!!" I got up and hugged him once he reached the table I was sitting at. 

"How are you Ms. Busy Bee?" He laughed.

"I've been working and seeing my niece and studying. I'm barely having any time to catch up on the fact that I'm literally doing all these things." Ben and I laughed.

"Well you made time for me so that must mean something right???" He laughed.

"Yeah well at least you understand." He looked at me confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Well ever since I've been busy, Ace has kind of been upset with me I mean he seems more I don't know what the word is angry?"

"Hmm, Has anything happened between you guys to make him upset? Maybe he just misses you, I mean you guys used to hang out all the time."

"Yeah you're right and I mean I've been teaching him how to get a girlfriend and yesterday we kind of... I shouldn't say."

"What happened? Did you guys have sex?" He leaned over and whispered.

"No! And we never will! He asked me to show him how to kiss and we kissed but it felt more than just a simple kiss."

He stared at me with his mouth open.

"Omg you guys kissed?! What happened after?" 

"It was just one kiss and we stopped and he ran out of my bedroom and then I stayed up the rest of the night."

"Wow...Do you think that all the stuff that happened before, you know you not being in the house led up to this moment?"

"I...never thought about that...Do you really think so?"

"I mean he must of missed you and then he was confused about what to do in his relationship and you not being around probably really confused him and now he did something really bold. I mean how are things with you guys now?"

"Things were really rough after the kiss but now everything seems to be ok? I mean I haven't really gotten to see him in a while. I went home today for the first time in a week and he wasn't at home so I don't know."

"Hmm well maybe you guys will get back to normal, if you not you can always stay at my place, I live off campus and by myself."

"Thank you so much." I reached over the table and grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

We talked some more and then Ben decided that we should hang out some more especially since I've been doing nothing but studying and it would be fun.

I ended up coming home at 2 in the morning, kind of drunk and stumbling about. When I opened the door I tried real hard to be quiet since I knew that Ace was probably asleep.

"Where have you been?" The living room was suddenly filled with light. I turned and saw Ace sitting down, arms crossed over his chest. He stood up and walked over to me.

"I *Hic* was hanging with *hic* Ben." I giggled.

"Are you drunk?" His face got even more angrier.

"What? *hic* I'm not *hic*"

"Yes you are. Ugh I can't believe you would get drunk. You don't even like drinking. And second of all you hung out with Ben all day. Weren't you the one who said you were gonna come home and that we should hang out since we barely see each other?"

I rolled my eyes and walked past him, he grabbed me and pushed me against the wall and placed his hands on the wall beside my head.

"Why are you acting up?" He raised his voice.

I pushed him away with all my strength. "You think I'm the one acting up? You should see yourself! Cut your hair and started wearing contacts all for some girl to like you? That's not the Ace I know its really not! Secondly you don't have the right to tell me what I can and can't do, You aren't my mom! And third you kissed me and then made ME feel weird for thinking that things were weird between us when clearly things have been weird." I walked away from him and tried to get to my room when he started speaking.

"I didn't change for anyone, I did this for me, I thought as my best friend you would be happy to see me trying new things in my life? So how about we talk about how you clearly feel? Are you upset that little Ace is not available to hang out with you or that I'm treating you the same way you treated me in high school?"

I turned at the last sentence and looked at him with tears quickly filling my eyes.

"What? Can't handle what you dish out? I'm glad you got home safe." He walked past me brushing my shoulder while passing.

I stood there for a moment before getting into my bedroom and completely breaking down. I have no idea what just happened out there but it made me wonder...Can we ever start over from where we just started? Or is it too late...

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