Signs of Trouble

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Over the next couple of weeks Jaime and Ace had started to hang out a lot more, I had heard her name about a billion times by now. I mean its not like I'm complaining, I had gotten to know her and she's actually pretty cool. 

Me and Ben have hung out more and he's actually become a really good friend of mine and we hang out a lot besides studying together. Ace is still convinced that Ben likes me but he doesn't.

I'm scrambling around my room trying to gather my books and laptop to meet Ben at the Starbucks on campus, since we were gonna hang out when I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in!" I walked to my closet and grabbed my hoodie and put it over my head.

"Hey, do you have a sec?" I turned and looked at Ace.

"Yeah, but you can make it fast? I have to meet Ben at Starbucks and I'm kind of running behind."

"Yeah that's cool it won't take me that long to tell you."

"Ok cool, what's up?" I stopped moving around and sat down on my bed, looking at Ace waiting for him to continue.

He cleared his throat before continuing."So I um figured out my feelings."

I immediately perked up,"Go on..."

"I like Jaime a lot, over the few weeks I have gotten to know her way better and I really enjoy spending time with her. So I was thinking of asking her on a date."

I got up and hugged him tight. "I'm so proud of you!" I whisper in his ear.

He wrapped his arms around me tighter and whispered back "Thank you! But you'll be here to continue helping me right? I'm helpless without you."

I pulled back and laughed "Of course I will, you won't get rid of me that quick!"

He laughed and pushed me away a bit. "Ok you can go meet up with Ben now."

"OH SHIT YOU'RE RIGHT!" I got up off my bed and grabbed my backpack, giving Ace a kiss on the cheek and ran out of my room calling out my goodbyes.

Ten mintues later I got to the Starbucks slightly out of breath but I made it. I walked inside and saw Ben sitting at a table sipping on some coffee and typing away on his laptop.

"Ben! I'm so sorry that I'm late I got caught up with Ace and I'm so sorry!" I sat down in the chair in front of him.

"It's cool I've just been here chilling, no problem." He chuckled.

"Ok so what are we studying today?"

"English and History."

"Oh perfect, my favorite subjects!" 

"Of course they would be nerd!" We both laughed a bit before we got started on our work.

Halfway through studying I got a text from Ace, "SHE SAID YES!"

I looked down at my phone confused, "Who said yes?" I typed back.


"Oh WOW! I'm so excited for you!!!" 

"Thank you!! None of this would be possible without you! Thank you so much."

"No problem Ace." I put my phone down and smiled .

"What's up? Something good happen?" Ben looked at me.

"Yeah! Ace just asked this girl he really likes out and she said yes!"

"Oh wow cool! I always taught you guys were going out!"

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