Chapter 23: missing piece part 3

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i started to get out of the bed, the doctor pushed me back in the bed, "you need rest", "yeah no, sorry ive had worse sir", i pushed past him, "can we go home i want some food", alex chuckled, "i think you should rest", i crossed my arms and pouted, "i know you dont think so but you do, ill have max keep men here so nothing happens, ill be here every morning ok?", it truly was a relief to know that i would have protection and alex would be here, i feel bad for the paladins they havent seen their families in awhile, "fine, but you have to bring me my food and shows, i have to keep up, just get what i normally buy, like chips, ice cream, the coffee from the cafe, and they give me a free sandwich but you have to have me on the phone!", he chuckled, "ok fine", i smiled, i crawled back into bed, "WAIT!", they looked at me, "my phone and computer!, i also need the chargers!", alex handed me my phone, "your computer is in your room, ill bring you the chargers", i jumped up and grabbed his arm, "thank you alex!!!", he smiled at me, "ok go lay back down", i let go of his arm and crawled back into the bed, i laid back and started to play on my phone, a good hour later alex came in with 2 men, "hi alex", "how are you feeling?", "i feel fine, you?", "bored, its boring without you prancing around the building cause chaos", i giggled

he walked up to me and handed me my computer, "i was getting bored on my phone", he laughed, he sat down on the bed, i opened my computer, i signed onto webtoon, "YES MY FAVE ARTIST UPDATED HER STORY!!", he jumped at my sudden loudness, i started to squeal, he covered his ears, i started laughing, "am i too loud for you?", he chuckled, "yes, very", "see this is what i missed about earth", the 2 men stared at me, i didnt care, "i missed hanging out with you guys, i missed the fresh air, the water, the sunrise and sunset", "you didnt get to see sunrises and sunsets?", "being out in space most of the time i was chained up and tortured, or in the comfort of my room in the castle of lions, or i was in the training deck, we didnt see many sunrises or sunsets", he frowned, "you were tortured?", "yeah, haggar she experimented on me because im apparently not like the rest of the paladins, im not human", his face twisted into confusion, "yeah", he shook his head, his phone started to buzz, he looked at it, "i have a meeting so i have to go, i will be here in the morning", he ruffled my hair, i crossed my arms and pouted, he chuckled and left, i plugged my phone and computer into an extension cord i started to watch shane dawson on youtube, i was laughing as shane got pissed because garrett and drew were talking about harry potter, "ma'am?", i looked at the men, "can you not call me ma'am", "what should we call you?", "just call me scar or scarlet, i dont like being formal", they nodded, "anyway what was it that you needed?", "well we wanted to ask you about what you and alex were talking about", "ok whats up?", "well you said you were in space, but is it even possible for life out there?", i nodded, "the other civilizations are way more advanced than us, to them we are like living in the stone ages, the weapons are amazing, OOO and their ships, so amazing", they looked shocked, "there is a thing called quintessence, its in everything that is alive, there are 2 terrible people or should i say galra that are powered by this energy which makes them do some terrible things", they were interested, "if you get bored i could tel you guys stories" they nodded, "scar boss has requested that you get rest so you better get to sleep", "you 2 better get rest too", " boss told us to keep an eye on you so we cant do that", i stared at them, "you 2 get rest and ill deal with max ok?", they nodded, they walked to the chairs and tried to sleep, i stared at them, "that cant be comfortable", they looked at me, i pressed a buzzer that the nurse gave me,

"how may i help you?", "is there anyway to get something more comfortable for them?", "im sure we have some extra beds somewhere", i smiled at her, she left the room, "come on guys get up", they lifted their heads up, "im getting you 2 beds", "why?", "its not fair that im comfy and yall are protecting me, but all you have is hard chairs", they smiled at me, i laid my head back down onto the pillow, the nurse came back in with 2 beds, i clapped my hands together happily, "thank you sooo much, youre a doll!!", she giggled, she placed them by my bed, the 2 men crawled into the beds, the spread their legs out, one of them yawned loudly, i giggled, 'god i hope max is not treating them too horribly, but thats the job of being a cartel leader', i stayed awake until the 2 were out cold, i smiled as they slept, i let my head hit the pillow, i closed my heavy eyes, i got dragged into the dark abyss that people call sleep, i dreamt about the team,

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