chapter 4:

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i cant come up with a chapter name, so yeah

your pov:

max's sleeping body fell right on ground by my feet, i looked down at him, i rolled my eyes, and put my foot on him, he didnt budge, so i kicked him lightly in the stomach, didnt budge, i then stomped the heel of my foot into his stomach, that woke him up immediately, he started coughing, i laughed, he looked up at me, i grabbed his wrist, dragging him to the kitchen, "make me some sweet food and ill forgive you" i said, he stared at me, "and why would  i do that you fought a chick at my school, i could have gotten in some big trouble for that" he replied sternly,"fine then im going to bed dont be surprised if i dont talk to you tomorrow k" i said in a bitchy voice i was hungry tired and cold that didnt mix well with me, i got up from my seat and started walking, i felt arms around me, i was lifted up off the ground, i was turned around and sat in a chair

i saw max walk around the counter and grabbed a pan a bowl and a mixer, he walked over to the cupboard and grabbed out chocolate cake mixed, i started to get excited, max looked over at me and and laughed, i got hungry, my stomach rumbled, max looked at me with the straightest face ever and said while looking at my stomach"will you hold on a few minutes let me make it first geez", ive never laughed so hard in my life, he put the cake mix in the bowl, the smell made me even more hungry, max put water in the mix, he started mixing it until it was thiccc, he started pouring it in the round pan

he handed me the bowl and the spoon he used to scoop the batter out, i picked up the sppon and stuck it in my mouth, i licked all the chocolate batter, i grabbed out a clean spoon and scooped out the batter that was left behind in the bowl, max laughed at how fast i ate the batter, i looked down at the bowl frowning because i ate all the batter, "dont worry the cake will be done soon" max said in a happy tone, "i knew you couldnt have me not talking to you cause you know you love me" i said in a cocky tone, stared at me blankly, "you do understand i can still not give you any of this cake right?" he said in a confused tone,

i started wining, "come on i want it!!!!", "that sounds wrong" max said, i chuckled, "that does sound wrong but i want the cake so please!!!!", max laughed, the oven dinged, he grabbed oven mitts and opened the oven, he bent over and grabbed the cake, he put the cake on an icing plate (you know those spinny plate things) he went into the fridge and grabbed chocolate frosting out, he started frosting the cake, when he was done he but 2 strawberries on the cake, he grabbed the knife and cut the cake and grabbed one of the strawberries and grabbed a fork then sat down

i got up and cut a bigger piece and grabbed the other strawberry, i grabbed the fork, and sat down, i cut a little piece of the cake and stuffed it in my mouth, i finished my cake and put my plate in the sink and turned on the water rinsing my plate i opened the dishwasher and put it in, i looked at max, he was still eating, "im going to bed now night", max nodded his head, i walked down the hallway very tired, i opened my door slowly, i walked over to my bed, i pulled covers down i crawled in my bed, the warmth surrounding me, i quickly closed my eyes the pitch black of sleep engulfed me, i woke up randomly in the morning i checked my phone,"oh shit its 12:00 in the afternoon" i said in a groggy voice, i sat up in bed, i hung my leg over the side of the bed

my foot plants itself on the cold wooden floor, i shivered from the cold air, i stood up, i walked into the bathroom turning on the lights, "shit!" i said in my still morning voice, the light hurt my eyes, i turned on the cold water, i splashed the water on my face, i grabbed the towel and dried my face, the water woke me up, i walked out of my room, i walked down the stairs, i walked out to the main lobby of the building not remembering that people do business in that lobby, walked out and saw boss,max and a man he wasnt old he looked in his 20's, boss looked at me, max had the look of 'what are you doing', i walked over to them and asked boss "whats up whos he?" he just stared at me like 'this guy is either going to kill me or her i dont know who', the man looked at me, i reached out my hand and said, "hia the names scarlet black nice to meet ya", the man looked at my hand then took it

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