chapter 10: the garrison

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i stepped onto my warm carpet, i looked back at the still sleepy max sit up, i walked to the door, i walked out of my room and into the kitchen,"MAX GET YOUR LAZY BUTT OUT HERE!",i yelled to him, i heard him fall off the bed, i chuckled silently, i opened the fridge and saw some milk, i snatched the milk (like i snatched her weave!), i put it on the counter, i ran to the cupboard to see if we had some cereal, i saw some chocolate cereal, i ripped it out of the cupboard, i grabbed a bowl and a spoon, i poured my cereal THEN MY MILK UNLIKE MY FRIEND RATHIDA!!!, max walked in and did a dramatic yawn, "nice yawn kiddo", "nice sarcasm shorty", i looked at him with a death stare,"im.not.short.",max threw his hands up i  defeat, "im fun sized", "that sounds really weird since youre a girl", i stared at him blood rushed to my face, i hit him on the chest, he grabbed my hands, "you call those punches?", i growled at him,

i grabbed my bowl of cereal and spoon, i sat down quickly and stared hungrily at my food, max grabbed my spoon and took a big bite, i paused my face fell emotionless, i slowly lifted my head to look at him, i glared at him, i started to whimper, thats when sarah walked in, she saw me staring at him and whimpering, she sighed heavily, "what did you do?" she said in a happy tone with a tint of annoyance,"i did nothing", he crossed his arms,i stared at her i started sniffling, "h.he t.t.took a.a b.b.bite o.of my c.c.c.cereal!" i wailed, she gave an angry mom glare to max, "young man how many times have i told you not to eat her food", max rolled his eyes,i stuck my lip out and gave puppy eyes,"fine ill take you shopping to whatever store AND pay for it all", he said as he crossed his arms and rolling his eyes, 

i smiled and grabbed the spoon,"what are you doing", "grabbing my spoon to eat?", "i took a bite with it tho", "aaaand youre like a bro to me?", he paused and stared at me, i dipped the spoon into my cereal and took a bite with a straight face, i couldnt handle it anymore, i busted into laughter, milk squirting out of my nose, it burned so bad, sarah's mom glare dropped as she fell to her knees laughing, max was laughing so hard you couldnt hear his laugh, he was holding his chest and gasping for air, sarah grabbed onto his arm, i could see a blush cover his face as he laughed with her on his arm, i smiled even if it burned, i walked over them and to the sink, i turned on the water and started to drink it and flush my noes out, 

i grabbed a towel and dried my face, i hung out my hands, max and sarah grabbed them, i pulled them up quickly so they would get light headed and their heads would hurt, they started to sway, i grabbed both of them in a bear hug so they wouldnt fall, when they were ok i let go of them, "imma go for a walk", i walked out and into my room, i grabbed my usual style, i put everything on, i grabbed my phone and head phones and walked out, i walked out onto the sidewalk, i walked down the ally, i walked out of the ally into the busy city getting a few confused looks because a small girl like me coming out of a dark ally way is kind of weird to people, i look both sides to remember where the cafe is, i remembered it was a right i took, i walked toward the direction of the cafe when i saw a man in hood running down the street and a police man running after him, i stared at him, (ok so the MC has insane powers and this is one of her many powers there will be people in the future with powers too)

his thoughts: 'shit i shouldnt have stolen the thing with an on duty police officer shit i was just doing it for fun', i rolled my eyes and stuck out my foot so when the man in the hood ran by he would trip and fall, and thats exactly what happened, i stepped over the hooded man blocking the police officer, "ma'am im going to have to ask you to step aside", i crossed my arms, "im sorry sir for my brothers actions he's never done this before so what is the thing he stole?", "well it was a very expensive necklace", "ill pay for it if you would like?", the officer stared at me,"you do understand its around $1,000 right?", 'i cant believe im doing this', "is that correct?, well either way im going to pay for it", the officer stared,"you should be glad you have a sister who will bail you out of things like this", i turned to look down at him, he quickly nodded the second our eyes met, i held out my hand, he grabbed it, i  did the same thing i did to sarah and max today, he swayed but used the wall to balance himself, 

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