chapter 7: a new normal school,

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hey amaray here i just want to say that when i put the two names in the story you can just read it as you or your OC's name, its just easier for me to write 

your pov: 

i literally did nothing for the last day of summer damn im lazy, i stood up from my bed and looked in my closet at what i was going to wear on the first day, it was a large black hoodie, black shorts with some thigh high socks and knee high black boots, i backed away from my closet and closed the door, 'where is max and sarah', that was my only though, 'whatever imma just sleep because i know im not gonna get any during the school year', i walked over to my bed and passed out,

i heard an alarm go off, i jumped out of my bed thinking it was the building alarm for attacks, i looked around and saw my phone, 5:30 am, "holy shit my nap turned in to sleeping into the next day" i said, "damnit!" i cursed, i walked into my bathroom and jumped into the shower, after a good fifteen minutes i did my daily routine, i walked out of the bathroom fully refreshed and ready, i walked over to the closet and threw on my outfit, i threw on a black crop top under the black large hoodie, and threw on the rest of the items, i looked in the mirror, "god i always look amazing!" i said as i blew a kiss at my reflection in the mirror, i walked out and ate, i hurry and ran back into my room and brushed my teeth, 

i reentered the kitchen to see a very tired max eating, "morning sunshine" i said in a cheerful voice, he rolled his eyes and continued eating, i had a black and grey bag with some essentials in it, "we are stopping off at beans and brew on the way to school understand!" i said happily but in a commanding way, he nodded fiercely, i chuckled, after he finished his food we both walked to his car, oh yeah i forgot we got cars, i jumped in the front seat and sat comfortably, max jumped into the drivers side and started up the car, the heater turned on blowing in my face, 'this feels nice' i thought, max took off, after a few minutes i see a beans and brew sign, "there is the pot of gold turn right here!" i shouted as i saw the tip of the sign, max turned the car sharply and its when i saw my love BEANS AND BREW!!

max parked the car, i jumped out as soon as possible, max following, we walked into the place and the smell of coffee hit us like a truck, i ran up to the guy, i asked "can i get a large mister bees with extra whipped cream" the man smiled, max ordered the same, after we paid we ran to the car and max started it, we zoomed off to school, sadly i finished my drink in the car, max still had some in his cup, i tried to sip it but he shooed me away, we got out of the car and i threw my cup away, i walked into the school seeing people i already knew i hated, max and i went up to the lady and she smiled, "awh ms. black and mr. smith nice to see you here are your schedules with your locker numbers and combinations on them" she said in a joyful tone, max walked to his locker which was pretty far from mine which made me sad, i walked to my locker when i ran into a short boy?, "sorry" he said but it sounded like a girls voice, i opened my locker,

i threw my stuff into my locker then i organized it, i grabbed my binder with everything needed in it, i walked to max's locker when i saw him with two guys, one had black hair and the other taller then the boy with black hair he had brown hair, they both looked in shape, the shorter boy had a mullet, i choked back a  laugh and started to walk to class, i walked into the room and found a place in the back corner and pulled out a book and my phone, after a good 15 minutes everyone was inside the classroom, the teacher walked to the front of the room i stuck my phone into my hoodie pocket, she spoke softly "hello my name is Mrs. hail and i will be your science teacher i will also be your homeroom teacher like with drills and assemblies", i sighed, 'ok so my first class of the day is science ok thats fine i like science and space' i thought slowly 

i looked around the room, my eyes land on a boy with big circle framed glasses focusing on a book, is that a book about technology, i shook my head and focused on the teacher, "i know this idea is gonna sound dumb but lets go around the room and say our name and a fact" she said happily, i just stared at her then zoned out watching the people take their turns speaking, i zoned back in when the boy with the glasses stood up he looked around and i noticed it was the boy that i bumped into earlier, "hello the name is pidge gunderson and i study technology and space" the boy said, i stared at him some students even rolled their eyes at the boy, ' why are they so rude to pidge' i thought, after a few more people it was my turn, i stood up, "the name is amaray black, like pidge i study space but not the technology" i said that and sat down, 

"oh great is she gonna be a female version of pidge?" a student piped up, "i think if pidge was a girl he wouldnt be that attractive so make it a hotter version" a different student piped up, i stared at them, "you know i think if he was a girl he'd be pretty hot you buys are just too narrow minded" i said, the boy looked at me and a fain smile graced my lips, after getting to know the teacher and what we were going to be taught the bell rang, i stood up and left the room, i walked to my next class which was art, i sat down in a seat in front of a plain canvas since that was the only thing to sit down on, the teacher smiled at me, i just stared, he walked over to me, "hello so just so you know this class is going to be just you students and drawing or painting something at the end of each class you have to have something on your canvas to turn in" he said calmly   

i nodded and looked at him, "can i grab stuff now and start" i asked, he smiled and nodded, i walked over to the supplies and sat down at my canvas, i put in my headphones and got to work, when i was working on the sketching i looked around the class and saw the black haired kid with the mullet that was talking to max in the seat next to me with headphones in and painting, i looked at his canvas it was beautiful, mixed colors a single person in the middle and eyes everywhere, i think it represent society, he looked at me, and it shocked me, "s.sorry" i whispered and he went back to work with an eye roll, i continued sketching, i drew over the lines with a sharpie, i grabbed the paint and went to work, after i was done i looked it over it was a beautiful complex eye with tears and blood running from it, i didnt know where it came from i just knew that my hands just moved and did it,

after looking it over the bell rang, i grabbed my things and left, i walked to my 3rd period class, health/pe GREAT!!!, 'i love PE', i walked into the classroom and sat down, the teacher walked in when all the students were in the room, "you guys know the rules we talk to each other and find stuff out, ok who goes first" the teacher said in a bored voice, a blonde girl stood up, "hello my name is crystal and i hate PE it gets me sweaty and gross" the girl said in a bratty tone, i just rolled my eyes and ignored everyone until it was my turn, i stood up, "the name is amaray black, and i love PE because it keeps you fit" i said directing my comment towards the blonde girl, some students snickered, the blonde girl rolled her eyes

ok guys i know this was short but i have to sleep i have school in the mroning so yeah night guys!!!!!!!

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