chapter 14: why don't they remember

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i crawled out of be, i walked over to my closet and grabbed out my uniform, i put my top on, when i tried pulling the pants on i fell over, i groaned, i pushed myself up, i pulled on my pants without falling again, i grabbed some socks and grabbed my combat boots, i walked out to the kitchen, i grabbed my cereal from the cupboard, i grabbed a bowl and milk, after i ate i walked to the bathroom, i brushed my teeth and hair, i put on some good smelling perfume, it didnt smell like flowers thankfully, i put on my shoes, i grabbed my bag, my keys and left, i locked my door, i jumped down the stairs and to my bike, i started the engine, i always loved to hear is fierce roar in the morning, i sped off to the garrison, i walked into the building, i saw some kids that was at the tour, i walked up to them, "what am i supposed to do?", "hey your the girl that yelled at iverson!", i sighed, "yeah yeah, but what am i supposed to do?", "go check with that chick in the office", i nodded and left, i searched for the office, after a bit i found it, i walked up to, "hey i just entered----" she cut me off, "i know who you are you the girl that yelled at iverson", "you should never cross paths with iverson", "why do you say that?", 'my curiosity may get me in some trouble'," let me tell you about a student named keith kogane, he crossed paths with iverson, he was kicked out and we havent seen him since", i was shocked,

i paused,'so thats why i didnt see him, i have to know what happened to him', "ive got you signed in so head to class", i nodded, i walked to my locker shoving my things in, i trudged to my class, i sat down, pidge walked in and sat right in front of me, "hey", pidge turned around and looked at me, she examined me, "do i know you?", that threw me through a loop, "s.sorry i thought you were someone else", i tried to sound calm, 'i thought lance forgot cause he didnt hang with me much but pidge?!', she turned back around, i was kinda hurt, i was just waiting for her to turn around and say "im just messin with you scar", and cackle, the teacher entered the class and looked at me with worry, i already knew what for, ' this is gonna be a long day', i sighed, a good 20 mins into class i got lost in thought, 'why dont they remember?', 'i mean i did dye my hair black but she has seen me in black hair before, i wore a black wig with her?', i felt the burn of tears, i wiped my eyes, i sighed, my eyes darted to people around me, they were looking at me, i looked towards the teacher, "well whats the answer?", i stared at her, "are you a mute?", i nodded, pidge turned and looked at me confused, i put my finger to my lips signaling that i didnt hear her, she nodded, when the bell rang we all stood up, i was about to leave when i felt someone grab me, it was the teacher, "hey about iv----", "i know dont cross paths with him, and keith kogane, im not scared of him, i wont end up like keith!", i raised my voice a little, she looked shocked, "im sorry", i sighed and walked away,

i walked to my next class, hunk sat down near me, i looked at him, i looked at me confused, i just smiled, thats when lance entered the room "hello everyone i know you guys missed me dont contain all your excitement!", he grinned and ran his hand through his hair, "common lance sit down", hunk laughed as he spoke, lance frowned, i walked to his seat next to hunk which was extremely close to me, iverson entered the room, i scanned the room, when his eyes landed on me, he gave me an intense glare, lance looked between us, "i havent seen him glare like that since keith what happned?", lance asked, "well let me inform everyone that she raised her voice at me", everyones face went pale, i looked around, "lance you know youre a failing student and have no talent and will never succeed here or ever, right?", lance frowned and nodded his head, "well she protected you and tried to tell me you had talent", lance looked at me, i saw a little hope in his eyes, "yeah well he does have talent, more talent then you ever had", everyones breathes hitched they all stared at me fear in their eyes, "what did you say", his tone was dark and cold, "i said youre a talentless ass face who take it out on the students with all the talent you couldnt ever have",

he marched up to me grabbing my face in a tight grip, my face stayed emotionless, "do you want me to kick you out?!?" he yelled in my face, "1 its my first day 2 why would you get rid of a student that can make you money and win any war you enter?", he paused, his eyes narrowed, "you think that highly of yourself?", he laughed, i grabbed his arm flipping him on his chest, i crashed my foot onto his back, he gasped for air, i pulled his arm behind his back, "you do understand i break your arm this way right?", i felt no emotion, "fine i give in", i let his arm go, i got off of him, i sat back down, i could feel the eyes on me, iverson walked to the front and continued with class, i got up but i felt a hand on my arm, i looked behind me, all i was chest, i looked up, it was lance, i could feel a blush cover my cheeks, "we need to talk", 'does he remember me?', we walked to lunch together, lance sat at a table, "do you believe what you said about me is true?", i stared at him,"why wouldnt i?", "well people dont think much of me, i dont think highly of myself either im not good at everything like keith was", i could see the pain in his eyes, seeing this shattered my heart, i grabbed his hand, "dont think that youre amazing and have more talent then you believe", he nodded, then confusion washed over his face, "how do you know me?", "uhhhhhh, i just do i can tell if people have potential,", pidge and hunk sat down

pidge looked at me, "youre in my first period", i nodded, "guys she stood up for me, even tho she yelled at iverson then wrestled him in our last period", pidge looked shocked, hunk nodded, "you do know the dangers of iverson right?", I sighed, "yeah I know, I even know about Keith", they went silent, lance rolled his eyes, "yeah that stupid emo brought it on himself", 'I thought they were friends?', "yeah well anyway let's get some food", I looked at hunk and nodded in agreement, we walked to the lunch line grabbing our food, after eating we leave for our last period, flight, I walked with them to the class, we entered the fake ships, lance explained to me how to work it, after a few tries I was good,

After a while at the garrison we were taking the test, in the end hunk puked, pidge idk what happened with pidge, and lance crashed, we failed, that night pidge pulled us to the roof, "they keep repeating the word voltron", I paused, at that moment we saw something flying in, it all went fast so all I remember was running, we stopped at the crash site, I wandered off I found myself at a shack, I fell to my knees,'so much pain', my whole body shook from pain, after a few minutes I stood up, I felt a breeze on my head, I touch the top of my head "OH MY GOD I HAVE EARS!!", I twisted and looked at my tail, 'does my body feel heavy', I touched my back, " i have fuckin dragon wings and horns", I found a way to hide them, I kept my tail and ears out, I opened the door, smells hit me like a truck, I walked through the house, I heard foot steps, I immediately hid my ears and tail, 5 people walked in, I froze, "who are you?", one of the males yelled at me, "uhhhh I just found this place and uhh", "is that you scarlet"
"Lance?!", "Keith get the lights", the lights came on, I saw a man with a white streak in his hair having from lance and keith, 

"Who is he?", "his name is shiro my older brother", i nodded, "so why did you leave and why here?", i looked at lance, "i actually dont know why i came here or even left, my instinct kicked in and i just lost control and left", we were up most of the night catching up with keith, after awhile we slept, "guys i have to show you something", we all got up, keith explained why he woke us up, we followed him to a cave, lance walked ahead and touched a wall, the drawings on the wall lit up blue, the ground lit up also, the ground collapsed, we fell down a dirt slide thing, there was a huge blue robotic lion, there was a force field around it, lance walked up to it and touched it, the force field fell, the lion opened its jaws, we all entered the lion, lance sat down, the seat moved forward, the lion took off, i fell and hit my head against the cockpit door and passed out, i could feel someone shaking me, i opened my eyes, it was a lady with white hair and marks on her face, i shoved her off of me, she looked shocked, "where am i?", "youre on an altean ship with the new paladins of voltron", "the word that the things kept repeating?", "what?", 'i didnt like this girl', lance walked in, "oh hey look youre awake", i looked to him and smiled, "how long was i out?", "only a few quintents", i looked over at a guy with orange hair, he had an amazing mustache, "what the hell is a quintent", lance cut in, "its an earth day", "what do you mean were still on earth right?"

lance looked at me, he shook his head slowly, my anxiety level went off the charts, my breathing started to intensify, lace walked over to me, "hey calm down", once i smelt his scent i calmed down, "ok lets take you to your room", i stood up but i got light headed and fell, lance caught me, he walked me to my room, i sat down on the bed, i thanked lance and he left, "thank god i kept my charger and head phones with me", i walked and saw a plug, "its not like earths......SHIT", i walked around, i found the orange guy again, "hey do you know where pidge is?", "well hello im Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe"  "and yes i know where the green paladin is, he is in the lab, let me show you", he walked me to a lab, i entered, hey pidge?", she looked up, "whats up?", "do you have any outlets so i can charge my phone?", "i mean whats the use of charging your phone if you wont be able to contact anyone on earth", when she said that my heart stopped and dropped, i swallowed hard, "can you just try and find one?", she nodded, "it will be a bit for me to make one so just go to the kitchen and hang with hunk", i nodded, i walked to the kitchen, i sat down, "hey hunk", "hello scarlet", he was bent over a machine, "whats that thing", he looked back at me, "its a food goo machine", "and what does it do and whats food goo?", "its healthy food goo stuff", i nodded, "so what are you doing out here?", "im waiting for pidge to make an outlet so i can charge my phone", he nodded,  

"i just want to listen to my music", he nodded, "im going to my room", he nodded, i rolled my eyes, i walked to my room passing a training room, i saw a shirtless keith and lance, i almost died a little, i pulled out my phone, i videoed lance him, the way his sweat dripped down his ab's and forehead    

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