Chapter Eleven

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I know that voice . . . it's Lana.

"Jane, what are you doing here?" Her small voice reaches my ears.

"Hiding." I simply say.

She walks over to I have made up my bed. "Why?"

"Because it's the safest place I know that I can hide in secret." I admit.

"Are you going to leave now that I know you're here?"

"Can you keep a secret?"

She nods, looking at me with big eyes.

"Then I guess I can stay." I smirk.

A smile appears on her little face. "Where did you go?" She asks, climbing over the boxes.

I wait until she sits down on the bed with me. "I went far away."

She tilts her head to the side.

"Really far away."

"What did you do? When you were away."

"Tell you what," I lean closer to her. "Come back here tomorrow and I'll tell you. But don't tell Aunt Mallory."

She nods.

"Off you go, before Aunt Mallory wonders where you are."

I smile as she stands quickly and hops over the boxes. She climbs down the stairs and the stairs automatically close. I lie down once again and drift off into sleep. Something that has been calling my name for quite some time.

A hand makes contact with Megan's fair face. She has been crying, endlessly it seems.

"Tell me where she is!" I recognize that voice.

It's Agent Smith!

He's hurting my sisters! Oh, that . . .

"Tell me where she is . . . or . . . I'll pay a visit to a certain twin of yours."

Megan's eyes go wide with that statement. "You wouldn't." She says, barely whispering it.

Agent Smith leans toward her face. "I would."

Megan doesn't respond, she just looks down, trying to avoid his gaze.

He roughly brings her head up. "Look at me! Where. Is. She?"

Megan still doesn't answer.

Agent Smith brings his hand up again and is about to make contact when a different agent with a helmet on barges into the room. A woman by the looks of it.

"Sir, we found her. We placed her in Interrogation Room C."

Agent Smith nods and leaves the room.

As soon as the male agent is out of sight, the woman quickly takes her helmet off. I quickly recognize her as . . . me. I quickly unstrap her.

"Let's get out of here."

We run out of the room and make a right. We run down that hallway and then take a left. We stop when the guards cock their guns. I step in front of Megan and they shoot.

My eyes snap open. A wooden ceiling fills my view. I sit up and rub my head. The sound of the attic door opening draws my attention. A small head peeps out from the top of the ladder.


"I'm here, Lana."

She smiles widely and closes the attic door. Making her way over here, I reach into my bag and pull out a bag of potato chips. She sits down Indian style in front of me.

"Can you tell me the story now?"

"Yeah, I guess I can."

She lies down on her stomach and rests her head on her hands.

"Well, first I ran away-"

"Why did you?"

"Because I had to." I look down. "I did something that I'm not proud of." We sit in silence. "Anyway, I was running from the cops, I got away from them by hiding in some bushes. I was about to head to the train station when I realized that I didn't have any money. So then I went to Stacy Neuman's house. I didn't tell her much, just that I had to get out of Portland. She gave me some clothes and money. So then I took a train to Missouri.

"In Missouri, I found this girl in an abandoned building. Her name was Lizzy, anyway, when I first found her, she was holding a gun to my face. And after we talked for a bit, I learned a little bit more about her. That she also did some bad things in her past and she was trying to forget them. After about a week together we were caught by the police.

"We were taken to a highly guarded facility. And inside there, I was interrogated day after day. About all kinds of things, weird things too. But after some time, Lizzy thought of a plan to escape. So, the next day during interrogation, our plan was put into action. Everything was going good until we got outside. Lizzy was shot, left shoulder, near her heart. She was taken to the hospital wing while in was sent back to my cell.

"A couple days later I was transported to FBI headquarters. But it turns out that the guy driving me was a friend of Lizzy's. Aft-"

"What's his name?"

"Richie. After dropping me off in the middle of nowhere, Mississippi, he told me what happened. To Lizzy that is. Apparently, she called him and thought up a plan. He told me that she died after that.

"So, I finished talking to him and then went to the nearest town. In the town, which I have no idea what it was called, I was taken into the alley by a mysterious stranger. He gave me a backpack, full of clothes and money and a note. After that, I went to a hotel and spent the night in a room. The next day I decided to come home. I took a train and and then a cab ride here. And now I'm here . . . with you."

"All of that happened?"

"Yes, Lana. It did."

"Did you like her?"

"What?" I ask, looking at her confused.

"Did you like her? Lizzy."

I am taken aback by this question. It wasn't like Lana to ask this many . . . wait. Never mind. She always asks this many questions.

"I could depend on her. She made some mistakes, I did too, but, I guess . . . yeah. I did like her. She was a good friend."

Lana nods and we sit in silence. A minute or two pass before she asks,

"Would you take me with you?"

"Lana," I start.

"Please take me with you." She begs.

"Lana," I say more sternly, "I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because it's too dangerous Lana. I don't want you to get hurt."

She nods. "Would you take me if I was older?" She asks after a small while of silence.

"Tell you what. In ten years, I'll come back and we can travel together." We smile widely together.

"But how will I know when you're getting me?"

"I'll leave you a note and in a week, head to the location that it says to go to. I'll be waiting there."

She ponders over the thought for a minute. She raises her gaze to my eyes. "Ten years?"

"Ten years." I smile once again.


Yay, more updates! I love Mondays . . . ish. Not school Mondays, but summer Mondays. That reminds me. I start school tomorrow! Yay? So that means I'll probably be updating a chapter every Monday instead of two. But I'll still update!

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Took me forever to write!

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