Chapter Ten

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Lie low. That's what Lizzy's instructions told me. How can you lie low when basically the entire FBI wants you behind bars? It's not like it's super easy. It is harder than you'd expect.

I quickly pack up my things and exit my room. Walking to the nearest elevator, I hold my bag closer to my body. Apparently I have grown more paranoid with all of this running away business.

The elevator dings and opens. I enter the empty elevator and push the 'Lobby' button. The doors close and the quiet music playing sounds louder than it should. The elevator dings once more and the doors open. I exit the elevator and pass a family, ready to go to their room. A husband and wife, and their daughter and son . . . and their expecting child.

I remember when we looked like that. My family . . . and now it's broken.

Don't get me wrong. I am furious with Lizzy but she does give good advice. She made me who I am today. In that one moment, she could have not shot my father and maybe we never would have met!

I wish it would be like that.

I check out if my room and exit the hotel. Out on the streets, the wind blows my hair . . . I should say my wig. In my room earlier, I put on the red wig. I could barely recognize myself in the mirror. Which is good.

I turn left and walk down the sidewalk. Not really knowing where I'm going. I need somewhere safe to stay. Somewhere where I can trust that I won't be found.

Then it hits me. The perfect place to hide.

I'm going home.


The train ride back to Michigan was cramped. I sat so stiffly that my muscles are now sore. I exit the train and make my way over to the small shop they have here. I don't know why we have one, we just do. Glancing through the store, I find a small clothing section. I browse through the items displayed and find a pair a black three-inch heels. Grabbing the pair of heels, I quickly pay for the items and grab the bag with the shoes inside. I retreat to a bathroom. Needing to change desperately.

In a stall, I switch my shoes and my shirt. I take off the red wig and replace it with the blond one. Slipping on the thick black rimmed glasses, I exit my stall and check myself out in the mirror. After perfecting a few strands of hair, like a normal teenage girl would, I exit the bathroom. I slow down my pace, yeah, never wore heels before. Need to get a little used to them.

Walking through the train station with heels on is not the best idea I had. At least Portland isn't that far from the state capital Lansing. About 20-30 miles. Pay a taxi driver a little more and they'll drive there.

So I do just that.

Sitting in the back of a taxi, I fiddle with my hands. Maybe I could just hide in her attic, they don't need to know that I'm there.


I sit in the bushes in front of Aunt Mallory's house. Waiting for Aunt Mallory and the girls to leave, I start to wobble. I regain my balance just as Aunt Mallory opens her front door. The girls step outside and bounce to the car. Aunt Mallory follows after locking the door. Soon they are in the car and it slowly pulls out from the driveway.

As soon as the car is out of view I scramble out of the bushes. Reaching for the door, I realize that I can't get inside the house. I try the two windows on either side of the door. Both are locked. I circle around the left side of the house and try the windows there. With no success. I wonder . . . 

I walk to the large glass door near the living room. The glass door I broke trying to escape. Aunt Mallory lucky has a borderline of bushes, so I won't be seen easily. I twist the decorative handle and push on the door. It opens with ease and I smile to myself. I step inside and quickly close the door. I have to get to the attic and get some supplies before they return.

I run to the kitchen and zip open my backpack. Opening up the shelves, I shove some food into the bag. I open the fridge and grab some water bottles that she keeps in there. I shove the remaining supplies I need into the bag and run to the second floor.

I run to the end of the hallway and jump to grab the rope for the attic. I wrap my hand around the rope and gravity pulls me down, along with the door and the stairs. Once the stairs are properly aligned with the floor, I make my way up them. Halfway up, I notice that Aunt Mallory's car is pulling into the driveway.

I don't have that much time.

I quickly climb the stairs and they automatically close. I hear the front door open as I close the attic door.

The attic is pretty big. Big enough for someone to live in there and not be noticed. There are multiple boxes all pushed up to the farthest wall. I know how to survive in here. Let's get to work.

I, as quietly as possible, move the boxes a little towards the attic door. Just enough so that I can put a bed on the other side of them. Once I complete that, I make my bed and sit down on it. Tired. I lie down and close my eyes. Sleep takes me, just like I want it too.

"Drop the gun and no one gets hurt!" A police officer shouts at Lizzy.

She shakes her head and continues to back away, my father in hand.

They slowly make their way backwards into the woods. When they get far enough into the woods, she commands my father to go down onto his knees. He does so, shooting anxious glances at Lizzy.

She wipes a tear off of her cheek. "I'm sorry." She says as she shoots the gun.

I scream, but the noise isn't heard. Instead, Lizzy turns around slowly and aims the gun at me.

"You're next." She pulls the trigger.

I sit up quickly, almost banging my head on the ceiling. My breathing quickens as it did a couple nights ago. Again with the freaking nightmares.

I grab my bag and take out an apple. I take a bite out of it when the attic door is opened.

Someone climbs the stairs and reaches the top. I freeze, I don't know why I can't move. A figure stands near the attic door, whoever it is can definitely see me. The figure turns around and says,



Here's the update! Yay for Mondays! Anyway, this is the halfway point. So about ten more chapters left, then the Epilogue. :|

Hope you enjoy this chapter!

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