Chapter Two

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I exited the bathroom, stepping out into the hall. Upon turning right, I saw Megan hugging herself with her head lowered. "Megan, are you okay, sweetie?" I asked, approaching the sobbing child.

"Why did Mommy leave?" She inquired, looking up at me with her wide eyes.

I hesitated for a second. "I don't know darling. But there's nothing we can do to change it." I couldn't bring myself to tell her the truth. She's old enough to understand, right? Maybe I should tell her.

Before I worked up enough nerve to actually say something else to her, she returned to Aunt Mallory, who was still crying on the couch. She hugged the girls tightly.

I took a seat on the floor against Aunt Mallory's legs. She had always been the kind of person that needed a hug or some other physical force; just a touch to know that someone was there.

"It's getting late, the girls should get to bed. It's going to be a busy day tomorrow." I said. Aunt Mallory slowly nodded.

Standing up, I turned to the girls. "Okay, who's first tonight?"

Megan raised her hand. "My turn!"

"All right, let's go get ready, then we can start."

The girls got off the couch, giving Aunt Mallory a hug before they stood by me. Aunt Mallory sat looking desolate. I wrapped my arms around her shoulders, placing a soft kiss on her forehead. "If you need, I will be there for you tonight."

Taking the twins' hands, I guided them up to the upstairs bathroom. I'd tell Aunt Mallory to ask the police if we can get some clothes from the house, but that really wouldn't be necessary. Seeing as we lived at Aunt Mallory's every weekend, and select days when mom decided to have days for herself, we had some clothes here. I instructed the girls to brush their teeth. Sometimes when Aunt Mallory's husband had finished his drunken rage at her, she would ask if I would stay the night with her. It was nice being close to my aunt; neither of us had to sleep alone.

I quickly grabbed tomorrow's outfits for the girls and laid them on top of both of their dressers. Less work for me to do tomorrow. I sighed and rolled my fingers over my temples. The thought of what I had done pounded through my head, infiltrating my mind. Yes, I killed my mother, but she was evil. So why did it hurt so much. I shook away those thoughts, this was not the time for reminiscing.

I entered the bathroom in between the girls' rooms. Only Megan remained.

"Where's Lana?" I asked her.

"She went downstairs to see Auntie." Megan put her toothbrush away, standing on the tips of her toes.

"Go to your room, I'll be there in a little bit. And pick your book out."

Megan nodded, and I retreated downstairs to find Lana. I figured she would be in the living room with Aunt Mallory. Entering the living room, I saw that Aunt Mallory had left; Lana was on the couch sleeping. I smirked; carefully picking her up, I slowly made my way upstairs to her room. Laying Lana on her bed, I quickly made my way over to Megan's room. She sat eagerly on her bed, book in hand. Smiling, I grabbed the book from her as she pulled her covers over her.

Opening the classic novel by Louisa May Alcott, I began to read the beginning pages of Little Women. Megan started to get sleepy within the first ten minutes of reading. I usually read to them for half an hour, less if they fall asleep before time is up. As it neared the fifteen minute mark, Megan had fallen fast asleep. I kissed her forehead and departed from the room. I padded over to Lana's room.

Lana sat on her bed looking out of the window. Before I could say anything she had turned to look at me and ask: "Do you think Momma's watching us from heaven?"

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