Chapter Six

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When we reach the highly protected facility, the sun is coming up. Lizzy has been quiet the entire ride. Actually, she hasn't even looked up at me. Something's wrong. Something is definitely wrong with her. But then again . . . we did just get caught.

Now she tells me about the guy who has been watching us for how long, and is silent for the ride. Not saying another word about it or about any else for that matter.

How can I trust her now when I know that she keeps information like this all to herself until the worst moment possible?! I spent a week or so living with her and she hasn't mentioned one word of it. Not a flipping word!

The doors open and the sun blinds me momentarily. Before I can get my vision back, someone unlocks our locks and then other grabs my arm. I am being pushed toward a door. I quickly glance both directions. I'm not going down without a fight.

But not now. They're expecting it now. I have to wait. Wait. Wait for them to think that they have won, then do it. But who knows how long that will take.

My thoughts are cut short by the sound of a card going over a scanner. I make a mental note of that and soon I am going pushed along again. Lizzy stands behind me, a guard has his meaty hand around her arm.

I carefully remember which directions we take, right, right, left, right, down five floors, left. A door opens my my left and I am brought into the room. I turn around when the door closes in my face. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Everything will be alright.


I turn around and notice a table with only two chairs on either side of it. I walk to the chair furthest from the door and sit on it. A few minutes later the door opens again and a younger man walks in with a file in hand.

I glance at the file while he sits down on the chair opposite from me. He sets the folder down on the table and joins his hands together. I look up at his eyes, he stares at me and I return the stare. Finally he drops his gaze to the folder and I hold back a smirk for my small victory.

Apparently all of my worries left me. And now my only mission is to get out of here as fast as I can.

"I'm Agent Smith."

I raise an eyebrow at this. "And you know who I am. So now that introductions are out of the way. What do you want with me?"

Agent Smith smiles and his blue eyes light up. I guess he's almost thirty now, pretty good at his job noticing that there are no guards around. His short dark hair and his blue eyes are probably his deceivers, the easiest way to feel like you can trust him. But I can't. I can't trust anyone right now.

"I want you to tell me your story and also your association with Elizabeth Maria Stouff."

"Her name is Lizzy." I say out of my gritted teeth.

"Fine," he smirks, "Lizzy. What do you know about her?"

I shrug. "Not much. Met her a week ago."

He writes something down a piece of paper. "Why did you kill her?"

"I didn't kill her. She's still living isn't she?" I counter.

He grimaces. "Not Eliz- Lizzy. Your mother."

"Oh. My actions are my business and mine alone."

I can feel the anger that is building up inside him. He is very annoyed with me. He should be. I'm not giving him anything. But then again, isn't that how all of them are?

"You're not going to tell me anything today aren't you?" He asks through his gritted teeth.

I shake my head. I will never tell them anything. For as long as I live. I won't tell them anything.

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