“People, who encounter the rainforest squid, how many do you think will survive?”

Jian Hua does not want to mention his own ability, but things must be treated objectively. There is more than one theory. Li Fei thinks that Zhang YaoJin saw the rainforest squid in the Abandoned World,  but Jian Hua does not agree.

If it’s an insider, an insider is the only answer that Jian Hua thought.

Zhang YaoJin does not want to see two dinosaurs fighting in front of him, so he immediately explained, “Actually, it’s a man-eating squid……oh, it’s the monster that you’re referring to. It likes to eat ability holders. Without awakening, maybe you can escape. I’m fine this time, but it’s hard to say what would happen if I encounter it next time.”

Only potential ability holders can enter Abandoned World. Jian Hua recalls when Major Zhang invited him to join the Red Dragon the last time. He said that the team is named “Ability Holder Team”. Zhang YaoJin’s rank is only a Major. Even in Red Dragon, he’s not the highest ranked. So when he said with certainty that all rights and freedoms of Jian Hua are guaranteed, if it’s not lip service, where did he get the confidence?

Will this abilities team be led by Zhang YaoJin in the future? The team would have considerable decision-making power and will be very valued by the country.

Jian Hua’s reply to Zhang is that he needs to consider it. But only thinking if he’d join the Red Dragon since there’s a hidden secret behind Zhang YaoJin’s attitude.

So when he found out that Zhang YaoJin is an ability holder, Jian Hua is not surprised.

Zhang YaoJin becoming an ability holder is a good thing.

People who are loyal to the country has experienced the Abandoned World, so many things don’t need to explain. The protection of public buildings and national safety is a crucial task. Of course, it’s best if it came from the Red Dragon themselves.

“You awakened your abilities?” Li Fei bluntly asked.

Major Zhang lifted his hand, answering with facts.

The photos on the table flew and were stacked neatly.

“Telekinesis is a basic for every ability holder.” Zhang YaoJin looked serious. Unlike the display of ability, it’s like they’re talking about dangerous chemicals. “The next thing is to look at the physique of potential ability holders, and of course, luck! Simply put, the first thing you touched with your abilities in our world, any future ability will be related to it.”

No wonder its fire, Li Fei thought。

It’s no wonder that Old Cheng can hear more, he guessed that it’s related to the stethoscope. Wait a minute, Jian Hua’s eye twitched, what did he encounter?

Because he wanted to drink water, didn’t he pull over a cold bottle of water? Wrong! That was the first time he tried to use his ability, so he was very inexperienced.

As a result, he can’t drag the bottle. So he first touched a pack of oyster mushroom on the kitchen counter. Then his ability automatically became of the fungi (phagocytic) attribute. At that time he was happy and swallowed the mushrooms. Did it determine its form and attack mode from that? Jian Hua has a headache.

Li Fei elegantly smiled, his voice soft and don’t have any meaning, “Major Zhang, I find——that the National Research on Ability Holders is already in place.”

In such a short time, he’d summed up the attitude of the country towards them. Aren’t they being treated as National Weapons?

——How many ability holders has the Red Dragon observed? From how many samples did they come up with such a conclusion?

Zhang YaoJin sighs, and helplessly explained, “The truth is not what you think.”

Li Fei casually leans on his chair. He has an invulnerable trust in his eyes, making Zhang YaoJin’s next words get stuck in his throat. This “no matter what you say, since your ultimate goal is to convince me, and since you’re going to such trouble, then I’ll believe in you” headstrong style makes Major Zhang seriously doubt the character of Li Fei in their records.

“……These sources of information are special. I mentioned it to Jian Hua.”

“Insiders?” Jian Hua repeated the word, “I guess that’s what you’re talking about. What does it mean?”

“The literal meaning. There is a group of people who know what will happen in the future.” Major Zhang tried to make the absurd truth sound plausible.

Li Fei faintly asked, “The future?”

Zhang YaoJin hesitated and did not reply immediately.

The aroma of dishes in the private room has not yet dispersed. Jian Hua looked down at the fish soup with Brasenia schreberi that is almost cold. Since he had to take care of himself, he used a spoon and served himself a bowl to drink.
“The ability to predict the future, I believe it exists. The prophet sees a clear picture, and so he knows what will happen. But they can name the monster they saw, and also know the monster’s habits and recipes, so this prophet is either a biologist or someone who does regular fieldwork.”

Jian Hua, who drank the soup silently, coughed two times while saying so.

Li Fei raised his eyebrows, “Oh, I think they may be science fiction enthusiasts. Major Zhang’s information that you gave Jian Hua (seen in someone’s home) explains the parallel world point of view. I’m going to speculate. They might be a prophet that enjoys entertainment gossip, and even found out from the nonsense tabloid press, that I have an improper relationship with the CEO of Starlight Entertainment.”

“Pff!” The two young men behind Zhang YaoJin are laughing this time.

Major Zhang looked embarrassed.

Jian Hua paused, and seriously recalled that there is no such scandal in the circle.

“I apologize for that. Obviously, we don’t know enough about the National Secret Services.” Li Fei has irony in his mild tone. He spread his hands, making a gesture of understanding, “And so, the truth for us, is that we had to accept that the prophet has some unusual hobby?”

Zhang YaoJin wryly smiled and gestured to his subordinates.

One of the young men walked out the door, and the other young man takes out various instruments, quickly exploring the entire room to make sure that there are no monitoring devices.

“Now that I’m talking about this, I don’t want to conceal it. I tell you this on behalf of the National Secret Services.” Zhang YaoJin straightened his back and said the words one by one.

Li Fei was not intimidated by Major Zhang’s serious look, and still, have a little irony in his expression.

Jian Hua picked up a second bowl of Brasenia fish soup.

“Actually, our world is just a book.”

Jian Hua’s spoon slipped from his hand.

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