Ch. 107

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Jian Hua took the list of Old Cheng's suggested medical examinations and went to find his car. He discovered that the hyphae near the door is a bit active, seeming to have just eaten something judging by how their aggressive state is not subsiding.

Pulling the door open, the hyphae from the passenger seat immediately flew to his sleeves.

"Someone has been here, what happened?"

Li Fei did not answer. He was wearing sunglasses and a hat. Everything is the same before Jian Hua left, but Jian Hua still felt a sense of depression coming from Li Fei, clearly showing off his "bad mood".

Since Jian Hua's inexplicable symptoms of drowsiness, Li Fei's concern for his lover has risen to a new height. He began learning about recipes. Otherwise, Jian Hua would not even eat a meal.

Jian Hua came back, but Li Fei did not say hello and did not even take the initiative to ask about Old Cheng's opinion. This is already unusual......

Two lovers sit in the car, one went out for a bit and found that there were a few strands of a stranger's hair on the car seat (Jian Hua's eyes are not that good, but the mycelium specially made him notice it). The lover is in a bad mood, and he had a strange disease before this——this has the elements of an eight-point dog blood soap opera!

Jian Hua won't misunderstand anything and just thought that the above is just a result of his occupational disease. People who poorly mixed in the entertainment circle would perhaps participate in a "complicated plot about the leading role and supporting role". The probability of it happening in such a large crew is high.

Li Fei allowed other people to get in the car and not talk through the window glass, is very strange.

Mycelium being active like this is most probably because the other party is an ability holder......

The only one who had this kind of treatment is perhaps Major Zhang, but Zhang YaoJin will never get on the car to feel the mycelium cling to him.

"You said before that you had a childhood friend named Lu Zhao, and that you're suspicious of him."


"He just came, and he thought I'm you through the window."

Li Fei took off his sunglasses, his expression gloomier than when he knew how he died.

Jian Hua heard and frowned. He vaguely guessed something.

About the truth, Li Fei certainly thought of hiding it from Jian Hua, but this thought was quickly rejected by himself.

Concealing it has no meaning since everyone has the right to know about themselves. The closer you are to each other, the more you don't "take someone else's choice". Jian Hua is not a fragile person who can't bear the cruel truth.

Li Fei tried to make his voice as smooth as possible, repeating Lu Zhao's words.

Jian Hua's demeanor changed. It can't be called good. He didn't like his devouring abilities, and he was tired of mushrooms. Although his attitude later changed, it didn't take long before the giant worm, and the void incident happened. Jian Hua is full of doubts and thought that his sleeping disease and the mushrooms rushing into the void may be connected, and then came this "notice of death". He didn't rip the mycelium off, he just pointed and let them roll away, which is already very sensible.

He waited until Li Fei finished. It was silent in the car for a long time.

People who bought groceries early in the morning passed the parking lot while chattered outside——on the mushroom turf, the residents here don't know how much the world has changed.

I'm Not Shouldering This Blame [BL]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ