Phase 10, part 3

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Another crazy venture with Zoya? I won't lie, I'm excited

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Another crazy venture with Zoya? I won't lie, I'm excited. Zoya promised it will be probably a peaceful mission with no expected complication, but I still wish for a chance to kick asses of some Yeomen or Nightingale's goons.

And in the end, I'll also receive a vaccine against Flicker as a bonus.

However, I decide to visit DIANA a bit in advance. Why? Zoya complained that Maria didn't even bother to reply to her messages and I can't say I like that. I got it, maybe she's mad because she lost her leg during the party in the Serenity Tower. But she can at least reply to a message, can't she?

Also, there's a possibility Maria is in some kind of trouble. She's living alone now, so nobody can take care of her. Not that she isn't mature enough to handle life on her own, but y'know, shit happens. So I feel it's my duty to check out if she's alright.

When I arrive on my bike, the sun is setting. The meeting with Zoya is scheduled for the next morning. That means I have some time to have a friendly talk with Maria and possibly convince her to join the team after all. In the Tower, she saved our asses. Her presence would be much welcome.

The city of Bifröst is impressive, I have to admit. Out of all cities I've seen, this is the closest to the classical image of a science fiction city from stories written before the Impact. Tall, white skyscrapers and futuristic buildings and facilities with crazy architecture are complemented with vast green parks and relaxation areas which relieve the cold, sterile atmosphere of the whole city.

I aim towards the residential district easily recognized because of even bigger parks and natural landscapes. There are both houses and blocks of flats, accompanied by small stores and playgrounds. I know where Maria lives - she shared the location of her new flat with us as soon as she moved.

I park my bike in front of the neat, clean block of flats standing on a small, quiet housing estate and go inside. Then, I take the stairs and check every door because I have no idea on which floor does Maria live. I have to walk seven goddamn floors until I finally find the door labeled with her name tag and a small crucifix.

I knock on the door and wait. Nothing. I knock harder - still nothing. Then I put my ear on the wood and listen closely. I hear no sound. Damn... what's wrong? Is she away?

Well, looks like I have no choice but to check it out.

Using the elevator, I go down again and stand in front of the block. I take a look around to see if there aren't any Wardens there - but even if there were, I suppose Zoya would get me out of trouble somehow. I count the floors and figure out which windows are Maria's. Yes. One of them is open.

I take another look around and wait until most of the bypassers disappear. Fortunately, there aren't many of them. Then I aim my artificial hand at the open window and fire it towards it. As it flies, I carefully guide it so it doesn't break glass or cause some other harm.

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