Phase 2: Overdose, part 1

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WARNING: Don't use more Augments than recommended on one Castaway. The complete chart of how many Augments should the Castaway use at most according to their height, weight and physical condition can be found on our website. It is important since this product alers the user's genome and the changes it may cause in their body may be inevitable.

The possible side effect of Augment overdose include: • Frequent and intense mood swings • Apathy • Drastical change of personality • Hair loss • Problems with digestion • Severe muscle cramps • Abnormal skin changes • Aggression and tantrums • Paranoia • Schizophrenic states. In the most extreme cases, using too many Augments can shorten the user's lifespan. The company claims no responsibility for damages caused by irresponsible usage of our producs.

A warning label on every pack containing an Augment

An abandoned research facility, place unknown

"No more... please... no more... NO MORE!"

The voice of a young Castaway echoes through a room with rusty walls and rotten remains of furniture. He is sitting on a chair, tied so firmly not even his squirming can free him. His artificial arm has been removed; there's no hope for him to fight back. He sits shirtless, the giant muscles on hs body seemingly don't belong to his young, almost child-like face.

"Oh, come on. We're just getting started," a woman with rich red hair approaches him. If they met under different conditions, the man would be stunned by her beauty. Now, he sees nothing but a cruel torturer which has been causing him pain for several hours straight.

"What are you trying to do?" the man huffs. "Just let me go! I've had enough!"

The woman is deaf to his pleas. "Dimitri, give him another," she commands curtly. The captive's second nightmare shows up - a Castaway in a long coat with a hood over his head. His lower jaw is made of metal, making his face look a bit like skull. He stares at the capive without a trace of emotions, only professional interest. Then, he opens another box, not minding the involuntary patient's anguished groans.

Dimitri pulls out a rubber wristband and he puts it on the captive's forearm, not minding his screaming. The band covers the area from wrist to elbow and contains a small display. An Augment. Dimitri activates it and the genome-altering needle pierces the captive's skin once again. The tormented man already lost count, but his captors know this is an Augment number seven. All of them had the highest grade. Normally, taking three of these would be considered extremely dangerous, but in this building, nobody cares about rules.

Another surge of agony strikes the captive's already weakened body. When he lowers his head, he sees a large tuft of his hair landing on his lap. It's not the first one. He already feels the cold air on his head as his hair fall off, leaving only bald skin.

With the last remains of his sanity and consciousness, he notices how his body changed after seven Augments. His muscles keep swelling like balloons. He is roughly twice as large as he was in the morning, before he was kidnapped by these people and brought here.

As a Champion with a wish to qualify to the Neoclash Showdown, he worked hard on his physical condition and he was proud of the result - a good-looking, muscular body with visible abs. He always wanted to be stronger, but not like this. This body is only vaguely human. Now it resembles a swollen monster. The veins protrude from the skin on his remaining arm, almost like he had Flicker.

He starts to cry out of desperation and sorrow. If he ever leaves this place, he will never be the same as before. Why are they doing this? Why do they turn him into a monster?

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