Phase 10: Before the Storm, part 1

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Announcement from the European Ministry of Health

Never, under any circumstances, buy Castaway equipment such as Augments, health supplements or artificial body parts from unauthorized merchants.

Counterfeit equipment and supplements can be dangerous to the Castaway's health or even lethal. Equipment produced without professional supervision can damage the body or directly interfere with the Castaway's genome. Even though their purchase can be tempting because of their lower price, but you should never risk the Castaway's health just to save a few royals.

The certified list of authorized sellers can be found on our website alongside the stories of Castaways whose life was negatively affected by counterfeit equipment. The counterfeits can also be recognized by • suspiciously low price • bad grammar or strange words used on packaging • suspicious behavior of the seller • unkept or otherwise suspicious store. Stay safe

Public service announcement from the Ministry of Health, 101 a.I.

The shock from the revelation made a week ago still lingers among the citizens of Europe, especially those who support often extremist anti-Castaway groups like the so-called Yeomen movement or EUFRESA, the political party of Tomáš Zeman with aggressive anti-Castaway rhetorics which currently dominates the New European Council.

At the beginning of this month, the current Champion of Champions who is also a Warden, Zoya also known as Tempest, stopped a terrorist attack seemingly organized by Castaways. After the plan was foiled, it was revealed that the apparent Castaway terrorists were actually Healthy in disguise. During the interrogation, they confirmed they sympathize with the extremist Yeomen movement. They, however, refused to tell whether their action was spontaneous or they acted on someone's order. They are now held under arrest and will be interrogated further.

After the revelation of this action, whose sole purpose was to stir up the anti-Castaway atmosphere in the society even further, many people ditched their allegiance to the Yeomen and the surveys show that the support of Zeman's EUFRESA drastically decreased.

Zoya has also accused Tomáš Zeman, the grandson of the Yeomen movement's founder, for being responsible for the train hijack. However, Zeman resolutely denied all accusations and disassociated himself from the attack. According to his own words:

"The people must be crazy to associate me, an honorable politician, with such a cowardly and inhuman deed. I would never, I repeat never, advance the interests of me or my political party by risking the lives of innocent people. Such behavior belongs to other, more savage leaders who stand against me.

That brings me to another point - this attack once again pointed out how serious problems are the Castaways in our society. With the very first pieces of information about the hijack, the people already blamed Castaways for the attack; that shows us the people automatically associate all violence and terror with Castaways. And this is where I see the problem. If there were no Castaways, there also wouldn't be any acts of violence against them which usually end up with a retribution from the other team, leading into a never-ending cycle of hate and violence I want to end."

Maybe this attack was only a one-time attempt to fan the hate against Castaways, but nevertheless, it showed us that the neverending war between Castaways and the Yeomen isn't as black and white as some of us thought it is. It brought up questions some of us are afraid to answer. We, the channel Europe24, will keep you updated about everything new about the case of the hijacked train.


The obese man with pudgy face dressed in a tailor-made suit steps into a small warehouse where several containers are already stacked atop of each other. There are men who open them and take the wooden crates from the inside, opening them with crowbars and revealing what's inside - rather small cardboard boxes with cartoon illustrations on them. Augments. Thousands of Augments.

Tempest: The ProtectorHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin