Phase 6: The Serenity Tower, part 1

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OPERATOR: Yes, we can hear you. State your emergency.

RESEARCHER: [Heavy breathing and stuttering] It... it got out of hand! The reactor... oh no! NO!

OPERATOR: What happened? Please stay on the line. State your emergency!

RESEARCHER: [Screaming] No! What's happening to me? My skin... flesh... NO!

OPERATOR: [Anxious] What's happening there? Talk to me! Keep talking to me!

RESEARCHER: [Researcher's screams fade away, but more can be heard in the background]

OPERATOR: Emergency lifeline to the Serenity Tower personnel. Can anyone hear me?!


- A transcription of the conversation between an operator of the Emergency lifeline and one of the scientists present during the Serenity Tower accident in 86 a.I.

Despite the situation, I enjoy traveling through Europe on my new bike

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

Despite the situation, I enjoy traveling through Europe on my new bike. My task? Find a few more members of our team before we storm the Serenity Tower. The whole team agreed that running there in four people would be a suicide. So I left them in DIANA and went on a small trip.

I already visited England where I recruited the first additional member of our team. She is on her way to DIANA now. I head just a little to the north, to Scotland, where I should meet another one. I remember his words he said to me during the Neoclash Showdown. That he's always up to help me if needed.

Now, I'm gonna find out if he meant it seriously.

I race through the Scottish highlands towards Glasgow, the city where he lives. I got the address from his partner - I didn't want to contact the Champion directly yet. If I show up personally, it will have a bigger impact. A bigger chance to convince him.

Finally, I arrive to Glasgow, surprisingly big and modern. I'm not a stereotypes girl, but I kinda imagined several wooden shacks with burly redhead men in kilts standing next to them, playing on bagpipes. What I get is a surprisingly industrial city not unsimilar to London. I have to say I like it here.

The navigation on the windshield guides me across a bridge above the river Clyde to a housing estate. To my surprise, my possible ally lives in a high block of flats, but the neighborhood seems to be nice and peaceful. Maybe he and his partner won't be able to manage a house.

A motorbike parked in front of the block confirms I'm at the right place - it's no surprise he had the same idea as me. This one is from the brand Opportunist, almost as expensive as my Serendipity. It's bigger than my Themis, toned into black and blue with card suits imprinted on it - Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs, Spades.

I send a brief text message to the partner who lets me inside the building. Then I knock at the flat's door. After a while, the person I came for opens. He stares at me for a moment, then a wide smile emerges on his mischievous face. "Tempest!" he opens his arms to greet me. "What the hell brings you here? Come in! Connor told me we're gonna have a visit, but I expected anybody but you."

Tempest: The ProtectorOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora