CHAPTER 11 Prophecy

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Kateryna limped along the dirt path, following Raiden, Liam, and Lady Sera, who seemed to be engaged in a serious conversation. Tegan was at her side, supporting her.

The pain in Kateryna's shoulder from the deep scratch the hellhound left on her seemed to be spreading throughout her body.

As they neared the academy, Liam slowed down to walk next to Kateryna.

"Your wound doesn't look so good. I can take you to go patch it up."

Kateryna nodded obediently, trying to focus on anything but her aching shoulder. Tegan glanced at her worriedly, but nodded to Liam and left with the others.

Liam took her hand and led her towards another path leading into the forest. Her heart started to beat rapidly, as if trying to break out of her chest.

They walked through the green forest, the golden light streaming through the branches casting onto her face. Liam stopped by a river flowing through the forest. An enormous willow tree hung over them, like a cave woven by pliant branches and narrow leaves.

He led her to a fallen tree by the river and sat her down.

Kateryna's eyes roamed around the willow cave and the clear, rushing river.

"It's a nice place isn't it? I like to come here for some peace and quiet. It's a good place for practicing and thinking."

Kateryna smiled. "It's beautiful here."

"Usually, if someone is hurt, they would be taken to the healer, but demon wounds are more serious."

"I see." Kateryna nodded.

"I would appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about this place. It's kind of a secret place for me." He turned towards the river, slight embarrassment showing through his mysterious aura.

"Of course. I won't tell anyone, I promise."

Liam cleared his throat, glanced at her and said, "The hellhound had some poison on its claws, so I need to draw out the contaminated blood." At her concerned look, he continued, "It won't hurt, but it's not going to be comfortable."

Liam stepped closer and put his hand over her wound. Blackish blood seeped from her wound and into his palm. Kateryna arched her back as the poisoned blood got pulled out of her body.

When the blood ran red again, Liam pulled his hand away and clenched his fist, grimacing.

Kateryna looked at him in concern. "Are you okay?"

Liam muttered a yes and walked to the part of the river the willow hung over. He stuck his hand into the river and unclenched his fist, the black blood flowing into the river and vanishing.

He beckoned Kateryna over. "The river helps the healing, stick your hand into the water."

She knelt next to him and tentatively slipped her hand under the rushing water. Some of the clear water flowed up her arm and circulated in her wound, before flowing back into the river as a darker liquid, which dissipated in the river.

She glanced at her shoulder, which was healed, except for the faint scars where she was clawed. It was just like her own regeneration, but since the poison slowed down her healing process, the river sped it up.

The dizziness from the loss of blood slowly went away as well.

"Demon wounds tend to leave scars, so they will never properly heal."

Kateryna nodded, clenching and unclenching her fist and rotating her shoulder. She winced a bit before relaxing.

"It'll be fine. Thank you."

Cold LightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora