CHAPTER 18 Poison

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Kateryna blinked. A blurry figure was leaning over her. Her eyes focused and she realized it was Raiden.

She opened her mouth and let out a noise that vaguely sounded like "what?" Raiden's lips quirked up slightly before his expression dropped again, looking worried. "You were crying..."

Kateryna touched her cheeks, only then noticing that they were damp, and wiped them with the back of her hand. "What happened?" She slurred.

Raiden sat down, and a wave of deja vu swept over Kateryna, recalling the last time they were in the infirmary like this. She pushed herself up to a seated position. She glanced back at him and was taken aback. Raiden's eyes burned with anger, and he spoke bluntly. "You were drugged."

Kateryna stared at him, trying to recall what caused her to be put back in the infirmary.

The curtain that shielded the infirmary bed from unwanted eyes was pulled back. Lee walked up to the bed, smacking Raiden's head. "Don't be so straightforward, dimwit." Tegan followed and knelt by the bed, taking Kateryna's hand. "You feeling alright, Kat?"

Kateryna smiled at her friends. "Yeah. I'm just... confused about what happened."

Lee crossed her arms, anger radiating from her posture. "Those freaking... girls, they're hell bent on revenge. They really don't know the limit, do they?"

Tegan nodded. "We'll beat them up for you."

Kateryna laughed. "Thanks, guys, but I don't even remember what-"

Suddenly, images flashed through her head. She remembered all that had to be remembered, and she felt horror at what was done.

Kateryna's wide eyed gaze turned to Raiden. "Raiden, I'm so sorry. I didn't know-"

His face remained passive. "You didn't know what you were doing. I know."

"They gave you the command to kill Raiden, and you were forced comply. You had minimal control over your body and mind. Those were the effects of the drug they gave you. It wasn't something you could have prevented." Lee continued, attempting reassure Kateryna before she started to panic.

"But I shouldn't have let myself get kidnapped in the first place!"

"Nothing can be changed by thinking about what you should have done in the past, Kateryna."

They looked up to see the head healer, Celine, by the curtain, a tray of medicine and broth in her hands. She smiled sadly and set the tray on the bedside table. "Sorry for eavesdropping, but I stand by what I've said."

Kateryna looked down at her hands, which were rested on the coverlet. "I know. I just... feel so helpless. And everything I do is a mistake."

"It is only natural for you to feel that way. After all, you haven't been in this world for long and you've already taken many beatings to your mind and body."

Kateryna clenched her fists, gripping her blanket. "I don't get it. Why are these people so hostile? I prevented the demons from destroying the academy."

"Please try to understand, Kateryna. We may have the blood of angels, but we are hardened by war. Peace is not free. Your Earth is only how it is because of the angelbloods' suffering." Celine placed her hand on Kateryna's shoulder. "To them, your power is a threat. But you have to show them that you mean no harm. That you are on their side."


"Once you start to do missions, you can gain their trust by helping the academy." Tegan commented.

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