CHAPTER 7 Academy

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Kateryna looked around in shock, trying to pinpoint where the voice came from, but strangely enough, it seemed the voice was planted in her head as though she was thinking it herself. Finally she looked back at the white tiger, eyes wide.

If tigers could chuckle, she would have. Her voice held humor and amusement. I see that your memories have escaped you. I am your familiar, Kateryna. You used to call me Aether. I would help you remember and retrieve your stolen memories, but it is not my place to tell.

Kateryna desperately tried to dig through her past memories, but came up with nothing. "Aether..."

Tegan seemed to have gotten over her shock, and gasped. "Oh my god! Kat, you have a familiar!"

Fustrated that she couldn't remember anything about Aether, she replied, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "Well, thank you, Captain Obvious, I did not realize."

"You're welcome, Lieutenant Sarcasm. I hope you realize now."

"Indeed, Comrade Comeback, I most certainly realize now." Kateryna bit her lip to refrain from exploding with laughter. Apparently, sarcasm was not limited to the human dimension.

Aether's light, breezy laughter echoed in her mind, and Kateryna joined in, along with Tegan. Even Raiden spared a chuckle, shaking his head.

Kateryna began to relax. She felt peaceful, happy. She felt like she belonged.


They stood before the academy. Aether had gone, turning back into a ball of white and blue flames, and drifted towards Kateryna's chest and into her soul.

Tegan turned to Kateryna, grinning. "Welcome to the Elysian Academy! The center of all education in this dimension, and the government."

Kateryna was gawking at the sight of the huge, white, castle-like building standing before her. "No way..." The academy had other buildings connected to the main body, making it much bigger than a normal castle, which was saying a lot, since castles can be pretty darn big.

"Yes way." Raiden kept walking towards the academy. "Come on, it's about time you spoke to the headmistress."

As Raiden led them to the academy, Tegan laughed at Kateryna's awed expression. "Don't worry, Kat, you'll get used to the luxury soon enough."

Kateryna looked away from the towering academy long enough to crack a smile at her.

Seeing the white marble walls up close, Kateryna realized that there were gold vines with small leaves covering them in a beautiful design.

They walked through the hallway arches of the academy and into the main courtyard. A huge fountain was placed in the center, water spewing upward and falling gracefully back into the large basin below, sparkling like gold in the sunlight. 

Statues of griffins and angels were abundant around the academy, the ever-watchful eyes seemingly following their every step. They stood proud and strong on pillars and platforms.

Blossoms fell off swaying trees, blowing slightly in the light breeze, and were strewn across the healthy grass. They walked on the stone path towards the main building, which towered over them, lit with sunlight.

Kateryna was in awe. She didn't think such a beautiful sight would exist, and such with the lake by the forest, but then again, this was a dimension of angelbloods.

A few people walked along the arched outside hallway, casting curious glances at Kateryna, and whispering.

"Alright kids, no need to stare. Go to class, no slacking!" Tegan called out humorously, they grinned at Tegan, and cast wide eyed glances at Raiden, before hurrying down the hall.

"Are they afraid of you, Raiden?" Kateryna teased. "And you seem quite popular, Tegan."

Raiden scoffed. "They're just surprised to see me, I haven't been back for a while, I was out doing a mission." He gave Kateryna a look, and she nodded knowingly. He was probably put into the demon dungeons while doing his assignment. She wondered what his mission was.

"Tegan meanwhile, is known for being the optimistic, outgoing nature girl that is loved by everyone." There was a hint of humor in his voice.

"Hey! You don't have to sound so sarcastic. It's true, everybody loves me." Tegan shot back cheekily. "It's better to be known as everyone's friend, rather than the cold prodigy you are."

"Prodigy?" Kateryna raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, prodigy. He's the top student in Elysian Academy, and he won the Celestial Competition last year, setting the record for the youngest to win, and was ranked really high the year before, and the year before, and the year be-"

"Celestial Competition?"

"Yeah, the CC. It's every year where the top ten students from each of the major academies around the world come to compete here at Elysian Academy."

"Oh. That sounds cool, I guess."

"Are you kidding me? It's the biggest event of the year! I've been in it a couple of times. It was hard, but I got ranked pretty high. Not as high as Raiden here, though."

"Huh, I see."

Suddenly Kateryna cut off as they stepped into the main building. Her jaw dropped.

It was massive. The ceiling was far above, and high windows let sunlight pour in through the colored glass.

Kateryna stepped forward, and spun in a circle, taking it in slowly.

In the center were stairs that split into two as they went opposite directions. Halls led deeper into the building, and there were too many rooms to count. Luxurious furniture decorated the spacious rooms.

"Close your mouth, or you'll catch flies."

Kateryna snapped her mouth shut, her teeth clicking together, and turned her head to shoot a glare at Raiden.

"Tegan, go back to whatever you were doing before or whatever you need to do, I'm going to take Kateryna to the headmistress."

Tegan rolled her eyes and saluted like a soldier, "Yes, sir! See ya, and good luck, Kateryna!" She waved, grinning, spun on her heels, and walked down another hallway.

"Well, then, Mr. Prodigy, take me to the headmistress, like you've been saying for the past forever."

Raiden scowled and walked up the stairs, not even bothering to see if she followed.


Loud knocks resounded through the building. Kateryna and Raiden stood before the large white double door, waiting for the call to enter.

A beautiful and commanding voice rang out. "Come in."

Kateryna cast a nervous glance at Raiden, who nodded at her, his face blank. She took a deep breath and turned towards the doors. Stepping forward, she extended her arms and pushed both doors open.

A beautiful lady was sat at a large mahogany desk, her head bowed whiled writing on a piece of parchment. Slowly she finished with a flourish, and set down her fountain pen. She stood up and walked towards them, a warm smile on her face.

She was looking at Raiden. "Thank you, my dear." Raiden muttered a "no problem."

Then the lady turned towards Kateryna, her smile widening. "Welco-"

Suddenly her smile faltered, and shock showed in her eyes.



So sorry for the late update! I've been really busy and my mind had been focused more on my new books than this one, unfortunately. But here it is! Vote and comment if you liked it :)

Elizabeth Olsen as Tegan Osprey :) 

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