Admit It pt. 2

Começar do início

"I wonder what that was about?" Bucky thought out loud

"Wondered what, what was about?" Steve asked getting up rubbing his eyes

"Oh 'Tasha was just here and asked to talk to me after dinner." Steve's eyes bulged

"Can you not go?" Steve asked playing innocent

"Why not?" Bucky asked very confusedly

"She just is gonna... uhhmm, she wants to tell you something, uhh... even though it's not her secret to tell," Steve said rubbing the nape of his neck. He was scared that Nat would share his secret.

"Okay? I still think I should go," Bucky said going to resume the mac & cheese.

"Please don't," Steve begged

"Fine, just calm down and wait for dinner." Bucky was still gonna go. He felt bad about lying to Steve but he also needs to talk to 'Tasha.

~~~ Time skip till after dinner. It's about 8 o'clock ~~~

"I'm gonna go to bed now," Bucky said putting his plate and bowl in the sink

"Goodnight, I'll probably just watch T.v. in my room," Steve says getting up to go to his room.

Bucky waited in his room till it was about 8:15. He cracked open his door to see if Steve was in the living room. When he saw the coast was clear he walked to the door and left down the stairs to Natasha's level. When he got there, he started to panic. He wanted to tell her something, but he wasn't sure how she'd react. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door. A few seconds later, 'Tasha came to the door.

"Come in," She said moving to the side

"So what did you wanna talk about?" Bucky questioned, not wanting to bring up his thoughts.

"I have a question for you, and I would just like for you to answer is honestly," she said looking him straight in the eye.

"Okay, ask away I guess."

"Do you like Steve?"

"Of course I like Steve!"

"No I mean do you like - do you Love Steve?"


Bucky didn't know what to answer. That's what he wanted to talk to her about. He was falling for Steve.

"Uuhhhmmmm..." was all Bucky said

"Come on Bucky you can tell me," She says laying a kind hand on his shoulder, comforting him.

"I do. I do 'Tasha. Oh, God. How did you know? Is it that obvious?" Bucky was starting to panic. He knew Steve didn't like him back.

"I can see the way you look at him, Bucky. Trust me though he has no idea that you love him. Trust me though he loves you too."

"We both know he doesn't. I'm sorry 'Tasha, I'm gonna go now." Bucky said running out the door.

~~~ This time skip is brought to you by me. Who else would it be? Anyways, the next day! ~~~

Steve woke up to a knock. He got up off his bed and walked to his door. No one was there. Maybe they were at the front door. He walked there, opened the door, and say Natasha standing there.

"Can I come in? There is something I need to show you." She asked

"What is so important you need to show me. I'm still upset with you." He said really not wanting to talk to her

"I'm going to show you something to make up for what I said yesterday."

"Fine come in then," Steve said moving to the side. She went to the TV in the living room and turned it on. She then connected her phone to it so it showed her screen.

"What are you doing?" Steve asked genuinely confused.

"Just watch the screen," was all she said before a video started playing. It was her and Bucky talking.

"Come in,"

"So what did you wanna talk about?"

"I have a question for you, and I would just like for you to answer is honestly,"

"Okay, ask away I guess."

"Do you like Steve?"

"Of course I like Steve!"

"No I mean do you like - do you Love Steve?"

Steve was about to say something about Bucky not answering but Natasha shushed him.


"Come on Bucky you can tell me,"

"I do. I do 'Tasha. Oh, God. How did you know? Is it that obvious?"

"I can see the way you look at him, Bucky. Trust me though he has no idea that you love him. Trust me though he loves you too."

Bucky heard the conversation he had with Natasha yesterday and sprung from his bed and ran to the living room. He saw the point of the video and Steve watching. He didn't know Natasha recorded it.

"We both know he doesn't. I'm sorry 'Tasha, I'm gonna go now." Bucky said running out the door.

"Sh*t," Bucky mumbled when he realized Steve knew everything

Steve heard Bucky. He did the only thing he could think of. He got up off the couch and ran to him.

Then he... kissed him.

It was short, but to be honest it surprised both of them.

"I love you to Buck."

A/N: There you go. I totally forgot to do a part 2 to this. Also, I'm so sorry I've been AFK for the past like 2 weeks. At first, I was really sick and then last week I was really really busy. I had two group projects, and for one, a group member didn't participate so it created more work for me. I'll try to make it up by uploading another story, possibly two, this weekend. Also, I will have a story on uploaded on Christmas and I will also be uploading the shout out then too for a Christmas present to them!

PS: You guys have given me the best Christmas present ever! Over 2.5K reads. Holy sh*t! Thank you all so much! 
         ~~~ Much love, Mimi

Stucky One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora