Snowy Days

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This was a while ago now but we got a ton of snow and of course we still had to go to school so in turn that ton of snow had to be shoveled somewhere and where I come from when you shovel too soon where you just shoveled turns straight to ice. So basically they got rid of the snow and covered everything in ice, but that's not the point that was more of a rant, sorry back on topic.

I was heading over to my friends car trying my damnedest not to fall on the ice, letting out quite the stream of unkind words when I finally slipped and about face planted.

"I hate snow so much!!"

My friend then says "You're using it wrong." From the top of an easily six foot tall snow mound where he was promptly bouncing around haphazardly atop of.

I've never felt more annoyed by frozen water.

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