God or Cod?

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This happened earlier as I was walking with some of my friends towards one of their cars to get a ride.

Random person waiting for ride to get there: "You're my favorite person."

J: "You're my least favorite person."

Other random person sitting on the ground: "You're a hfh person."

N: "What'd he say?"

Me: "You're a...something...person?"

C: "I heard cod."

Me: "He's a cod person!"

N: "He's a Call of Duty person!"
Chuckles bewilderedly.

J: "Oh I thought of the fish..."

Me: "Me too...totally thought of the fish."

C: nods

J, C and I burst out laughing.

N looks at us funny

N: "I'm a cod person!!" Flails around like a fish.

Everyone busts out laughing

N: "Screw mermaids I'm better!!"

J: "So you're a god(misspoke)...cod...you're god of the cod!"

Me: "What the heck!? Cod god!!" Laughing loudly

N: "YES! I am Poseidon's true form!!!" Speed walks ahead still flailing around like some strange fish-headed monster from the deepest depths of the darkest sea where no one should ever go...

A slight pause before absolute laughing mayhem. We probably sounded like a pack of hyenas...

J: "Poseidon's true form!"

Me: "I can't anymore! Why are we like this!?"

J: "I just grew abs!" Still laughing.

Me: "Me too!!" On the verge of tears.

N continues to flail his upper body around violently as the rest of us try in vain to hold ourselves together.

So yea, an interesting day indeed, I'm now calling N 'True Form of Poseidon' every time I see him now.

Side note, we found a random, very badly painted, tiny pumpkin by my friends car. So naturally on a dare I punted it across the street. It broke on impact with my foot and FRICKEN HURT but in the end just added to our fun so whatever.

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