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Okay first to give some context, I'm in one of many programs that focuses on a specific field of study, in my case Earth/Ocean sciences. It includes geology, paleontology, oceanography, marine biology, meteorology, and astronomy.

I'm in to oceans so basically I get to learn about fish and take care of a ton of really cool salt water fish tanks with tropical/exotic fish that my school has, with a bunch of other people in the same program for their own interests.

Now, aside from our amazing fish we also have four turtles, cleverly named Leonardo, Donatello, Raphael, and Michelangelo. Now they are a bunch of jerks when it comes to keeping their habitat clean, as in they like to make it as revolting as fricken possible.

So when we were finally given the order to clean it we had to temporarily move the turtles outside while their habitat was drained and such. Now moving them outside just consists of closing them in a baby gate on a patch of grass and occasionally spraying water on them when they try to climb the fences.

Now to get to the actual quote, one of the turtles was climbing a little too far up the wall and I was busy shoving my own turtle off the fence so my friend goes and picks him up and starts to carry him to the other side of the gated area as the turtle attempts to swim through the air and out of his hands; and lone behold...

"Look he thinks he's swim-OW OW OW WHY ARE THEIR SHARP NAILS SO SHARP!?"

So yea, he found out the hard way that turtles have very sharp nails, and nearly dropped a turtle, a punishable crime. Needless to say I and my other two friends who were there at the time burst out laughing at his pain, it was a fun day.

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