Chapter 5

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Morginn raced through the brush. Shewas finished with the situation. No longer would she have afalse mother. She was abandoned and felt the goddess had turnedagainst her. There was no more reason or hope.

And so, as she came tothe nearest stream, she leapt.

Thinking she heard hername as the water splashed around her, she ignored it and allowedherself to sink. She exhaled, bubbles spilling out of her bodyand floating to the surface.

Her misery would beover.

But it did not lastlong. There was the sound of another splash, this one soundingduller to her than her own since she was already submerged in the icywater. A pressure at the back of her neck, she felt as thoughshe were being pulled through the water.

Head breaking thesurface of the water, she instinctively gasped.

The pressure continuedat the back of her neck and it brought her to the edge of the stream. Pulling her out of the water, she dropped to the hard ground. Her body was shaking viciously from being in the chilled water.

"What was thatabout?" Haukr's deepening voice came.

Coughing up waterbefore she could answer, she said, "I didn't want to be saved!"

Haukr lashed his bushytail, "And why not?"

"Don't you see whatmy life is?" she asked him, "my mother hated me and Goddessobviously has no care for me!"

Shaking his head, Haukrtold her, "You need to see a priestess."

"And what would thatdo?" she challenged, "She'll just tell me to not go against thegoddess. I already know that from everyone else. I don'tneed any priestess except the high priestess, my mother."

"She's not yourmother anymore," Haukr explained, "My mother is yours and youneed to accept that. She's been doing everything she can tomake you feel better!"

Giving a cough, Morginntook a moment to steady herself before replying, "She'll never bemy mother!"

"Oh come with me,"Haukr growled. Grabbing Morginn by the scruff, he dragged herthrough the trees.

"Morginn trieddrowning," Haukr explained, "So I saved her and brought her tothe priestess to talk."

"It didn't help,"Morginn snorted.

Vigr weaved between hersoaked children. "So long as you both are all right, that'swhat matters. I don't know what I would have done ifsomething had happened."

"How can you say thatto me?" Morginn hissed, "I'm not your daughter; you barely knowme!"

Vigr gently told her,"I know you need someone who loves you and I am doing my best to bethat cat. Please, let me in."

        Morginn snarled, "Whyshould I? Because of Goddess? I don't care aboutGoddess, She ruined my life!"

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