Chapter 4:Jade

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Jade's POV

I woke up and went to the showered and dried myself. I decided not to put on make up today and decided on doing it later. I went into my walk in closet and decided to wear a pair of blue denim shorts and wear a black cross over sweater with an open back.

When I was done getting dressed I let me hair loose and wore black Nike sneakers. I went downstairs and and made myself some breakfast, as I was eating I decided to text my bestfriend Jessica Bryan.

Me: hey bitch can we meet up at the mall @ 11

Jess: sure.

Me: see you there, there is alot we need to talk about.

Jess: can't wait to hear the juice ;)

Me: you know it.

I finished my breakfast and washed my dishes. I then left my house and decided to take my baby today. I decided to take my grey Audi RS3 and left the building. I headed over to the venue for the event and helped around making sure everything was here and set for the event. I then left the venue and went to the mall. I found Jessica at the entrance. And we headed to a store to get dresses for tonight.

"Hey girl so what's popping within your busy lifestyle?" She said and her arm linked with mine.

"So I seem to have met the infamous Jaiden Brown." I said looking at a beautiful royal blue and white silk gown.

"And how did that go?" She said shifting her head to the side observing my actions.

I grabbed the dress and showed it to Jessica and she loved it. We continued looking for a dress for her while I explained how I met Jaiden and what he is planning.

"He also asked me to be his date a few days ago."I said hiding my smirk behind my hair as I looked at a pair of blue strapped heels.

"And how do you feel about that?" She asked. The reason me and Jessica are best friends is because she lets me explain how I feel towards things before she advices me on something, instead of pestering me into doing something I'm not sure of. She has managed to deal with my crazy lifestyle and talks me out of doing stupid shit.

"Well he is cute, hot actually especially in person, and I'm just not sure of his intentions. But he looks slightly familiar." I said while fitting the strapped heels.

"If you are intrested in him then you should just see how things go, but you got to be careful you don't want the same thing to happen like what happened with Derek. If you decide to try something with Jaiden then don't give him your all like you did." She said grabbing a light blue dress that was short and grabbed a pair of silver strapped heels with blue straps.

"Of course I don't want the same thing to happen, so I'll accept his date request and see if I do enjoy his company I will see from there." I said after heading to the counter to pay for my outfit.

"Well then okay, I support you, just be careful." She said as we finished paying and walked out of the store.

"Cool let's leave our stuff in the cars and head over to the salon we have an appointment at 13h00." I said and we headed to our cars and met at the entrance once again.

We walked towards the salon and we got attended to immediately and started our makeover. We had our nails and toes done. I had white nail polished toes with blue stars on my big toe and blue highlights on the rest of my toes. My nails were done the same way but my finger nails were slightly sharp and had white nail polish and blue sparkles on them. My hair was done in a slight up do which had blue and white hair pins that had roses and left some strands hanging against my face.

Jessica had plain baby blue painted nails both nails and toes and had a slight silver sparkles and they looked gorgeous. Her jet black curly afro was straightened and slightly trimmed bringing out her sharp jawline as she had a short cut and it looked beautiful. It would look good with her dress and heels.

We left the salon after I paid for both our new looks and we said we will meet each other at the venue. I drove back home and went to my kitchen and grabbed a banana. It was 17h00 and the party starts at 18h00 so I went up to my room and entered the bathroom I opened the tap to my Jacuzzi bath and put in some Coconut essence and stripped naked. I quickly text Jaiden that I would be his date tonight before I entered the bath.

I pressed the bottom so the Jacuzzi could start bubbling up. I released a moan feeling my muscles relax from such an intense week. I stayed in the bathtub for about thirty minutes And decided to get out and start getting ready.

I applied on my lotion and then applied my make up I did a smoky eye with my famous bold red lipstick and some mascara. As soon as I was done with that I slid into my beautiful dress, the dress was all white with a blue wave running from the neckline to the hem of the dress on my right side, it had no straps and I couldn't wear underwear with a silk dress.

I strapped on my royal blue heels and added a sliver necklace with a royal blue ruby and a silver bracelet and put on some perfume. I looked at myself once more and blew a kiss at myself in the mirror. I grabbed my phone and checked the time and found that it was 18h30. As soon as I switched my phone off i heard the doorbell go off and i knew that Jaiden was here and I told i quickly pressed a button to let him know that he can come in. I grabbed my blue clutch and placed my lipstick and phone in there as well as my pepper spray.

I heard movement downstairs and decided to leave the room. I walked down the stairs and saw Jaiden at the bottom of the stairs as if he was coming up the stairs. And I raised an eyebrow but looked at him up and down he had on a blue suite with a white tie and black dress shoes and be look sexy with his hair freshly cut on the side and only four dreads tieing his hair together.

He also looked at me and I felt hot under his gaze. His gaze made me almost falter as I walked with confidence down the stairs and his lips parted and eyes slightly hooded. Something crossed his eyes but I was not sure what it is so I let it pass. I reached the bottom of the stairs and he snapped out of it and I smirked.

"Shall we leave Mr.Brown." I said in a low voice.

"Yes my lady." He said in a awful british accent which made me laugh, and he smiled a mischievous smile.

He interlocked our fingers and left the building in a limousine.

Let's see what the night holds ahead of us...


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