Part 2: Chapter 18

Start from the beginning

The men watch me from the seats as I strut up to the pole on the sparkly silver stage. I raise my leg onto it, in sync of the beat and grasp the pole, throwing back my head and lifting up my other leg so that I'm crouching around the pole.

I bounce on the balls of my feet, pushing out my bum, and suddenly standing up when the beat kicks in. I sway around the pole, grinding and licking the cool metal like an animal. The cool sensation sends tingles on my inner thighs and I throw my head back again, doing a slut drop and coming back up, hooking my legs around the pole and twirling around it.

The drink begins to kick in, and my head pounds as I begin to forget why I am here, but I push the aching to the back of my mind and focus on my one desire, to dance and have a good time.

I turn around and pin my arms to the pole above my head, grinding and twerking on the pole behind, bringing myself down into a slut drop once again.

From where I am, I see Brenda from across the room, her eyes glazed over as the strong alcohol has kicked in on her aswell, her body moving in a similar way to me.

Men come up to me, their hands touching me all over my body, in places I normally would've slapped them for touching. But I enjoy the contact, and moan in pleasure.

I hop down from the sparkly platform and straddle a handsome guy's lap, he moves his hands to my waist and my head falls back as I lap dance all over him. He groans and I grab his sandy blonde hair, but before he gets too excited, I clamber off of him and take a couple of shots of clear liquid from the table near my stage. I think it was vodka because of the bitter aftertaste.

Before I can blink, I am back on the stage, working and twirling around the pole. Hands grabbing and touching my legs and bum.

Someone throws money into the air, and I giggle as I stuff it into my bra, and throw it back into the air, once it has landed.

Once again, I slut drop down the pole and bounce on the balls of my feet, my heels clinking on the platform. I push back up and spin around, fast enough to gracefully take my feet from the stage and manouver my legs around the pole. I use all of my legs strength and spin around and around, taking my hands off of the pole and throwing them and my head backwards, before landing again and repeating the grinding and twerking on the cool metal.


The car journey was long and tiresome, but we soon found ourselves out of deisel, and in a small rundown city.

"Brenda could be in this city. The tunnels lead out around here somewhere." Jorge reassures us, or tries to anyway. Although Teresa didn't look worried in the slightest.

The thumping of music becomes noticable as we round several corners, approaching a crumbling building with a drooped flag over it.

"They probably went in here, Brenda is a party kinda girl." Jorge smiles to himself, obviously remembering a funny memory.

We near the club-like building, and I hear the cheers and drucken laughs of the people inside. As we are about to go in, a man steps up infront of us, "here to have a good time? If not, then you can leave."

"Sure whatever." I roll my eyes, fed up with everything and everyone in my way of Sam.

"We're looking for two girls, brown hair. One tall and one quite short, have you seen them, Hermano?"

"No, we have alot of people come and go. Sorry mate." He replies, scratching the stubble on his face.

"Thanks." Jorge begins to walk away, but as I'm about to protest, he spins around and punches the guy in the face, knocking him out cold. "Lets go." He says calmly, stepping over the body and walking in the club.

Its dark at first, but then the strobing lights illuminate the room. People are all over eachother, swaying around like the walking dead. They bearly notice as we shove past them, in search for Sam and Brenda.

The sound of laughter breaks me from my thoughts as I break through the sweaty bodies and into a stipper lounge or that kind of thing.

The gladers and Jorge and Aris are right on my tail as I take in the scene infront of me. Sam, in lacey lingerie and six inch heels, dancing around a pole on a sparkly, silver platform.

She dips down and throws her head back as the men around her tuck money into her panties and bra. She was obviously drunk out of her mind.

Sam moves like a goddess there on that platform, and I feel myself growing hard for this beautiful woman.

Newt smirks, "calm yourself buddy."

"Shut up." I rasp out, managing not to groan at the state Sam was in.

Jorge rushes over to Brenda, who was passed out over a couch, her lipstick smeered across her face. Tom looks over and blushes at her lack of clothing.

I rush forwards to Sam and pull her away from the pole, but she protests "I'm not here for sex baby, but only lap dances. I'll fuck you if your Minho though." She rasps, not realising that it is in fact, Minho who is holding her.

I pull of my jacket and wrap it around her small body.

"Thomas, take her upstairs! There should be a spare room. I'll find the bastard..." but Jorge trails off, and me and the rest of the gladers head after Thomas.

I send Frypan and Newt to collect the girls clothes. And we reach the spare room above the party, in no time. I lay Sam down on a pile of blankets and pillows and cover her exposed body with a thin sheet. Not before giving some to Thomas for Brenda first.

Suddenly the door slams open, and Jorge strides in with a bruised, greasy haired man.

He throws him to the carpeted floor. "Marcus! What have you done to these girls?"

You're probably wondering: "what the fuck just happened" but hey, I thought I could make the story more... I don't know, but yeah.

Sorry if you don't like it....

And if you have any questions, they will be answered within the next couple of chapters x

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